The search for 79-year-old Allan Francescutti, who went missing on April 16 in Kelowna, has been put on hold as search and rescue officials await further direction from the police. The search began on April 21 and involved dozens of search and rescue members from across the province, focusing on the Dee Lake area where Francescutti’s car was found. The terrain in the area is extremely challenging, with dense forests and fallen trees making the search difficult. Despite the efforts of search crews, Francescutti has not been located.

The search was based on the assumption that Francescutti may have been walking down the Forest Service Road in the direction his vehicle was pointing. However, the forested area adjacent to the road has posed a greater challenge in locating him. Tresnich, the COSAR manager, mentioned that Francescutti could have gone in any direction from the point his vehicle was found, adding to the complexity of the search operation. Francescutti was last seen leaving his home in Lower Mission, and his pickup truck was discovered on a forest service road in the Dee Lake Road area.

Both the police and search and rescue teams are seeking assistance from hunters or wildlife watchers who may have game cameras installed in the Dee Lake and Doreen Lake areas. They hope that someone with trail cameras may have captured footage of Francescutti moving in the area, providing a clue to his whereabouts. The search efforts have been challenging due to the rugged terrain and dense forests in the region, making it difficult to locate Francescutti. The search was halted on Saturday afternoon as further direction from the police is awaited to redefine the search area.

The search for Francescutti has involved extensive efforts from search and rescue teams, with members from across the province participating in the operation. Despite the challenging terrain and lack of significant leads on his whereabouts, search crews remain determined to locate Francescutti and bring him back safely. The hope is that with assistance from the public, particularly hunters or wildlife watchers who may have trail cameras in the area, more information may be gathered to aid in the search efforts.

The rugged terrain in the Dee Lake area, north of Kelowna, has presented challenges for search and rescue crews in their efforts to locate Allan Francescutti. The area has dense forests, fallen trees, and limited visibility, making it difficult to conduct a thorough search. The search operation was focused on the Forest Service Road where Francescutti’s car was found, but his whereabouts remain unknown. The search has now been put on hold, pending further direction from the police on the next steps to be taken in locating Francescutti.

Amidst the challenging search conditions, search and rescue officials remain hopeful that Francescutti will be found safe and sound. Efforts are being made to gather information from the public, urging hunters or wildlife watchers with game cameras in the area to review their footage for any signs of Francescutti. The cooperation between search and rescue teams, the police, and the public is crucial in ensuring a comprehensive search operation and increasing the chances of locating Francescutti. Despite the complexities of the search, the determination to find Francescutti remains strong among all involved in the efforts.

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