Sarah Jessica Parker, an 11-time Met Gala attendee, is known for her jaw-dropping fashion moments at the prestigious event. In 2006, she made a statement in a one-shoulder tartan look by Alexander McQueen, perfectly in line with the theme of “Tradition and Transgression in British Fashion,” and in 2014, she wowed in a two-tone duchesse satin gown by Oscar de la Renta for the Charles James exhibit. Channeling her iconic Sex And The City character, Parker opted for a military-inspired coat by Monse in 2015, complete with blue satin Manolo Blahniks reminiscent of her show days.

Despite her absence since 2022, Parker has established herself as a veteran of the Met Gala, attending for the first time in 1995. Over the years, she has embraced the evolving dress code with grace and style, even enduring uncomfortable car rides to respect the theme. With the upcoming theme of “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion” in 2024, fans are eagerly anticipating what Parker will bring to the red carpet.

In 2022, for the theme “In America: An Anthology of Fashion,” Parker paid tribute to Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley, a freed slave and dressmaker for First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln. Collaborating with designer Christopher John Rogers, she wore an extravagant black-and-white gingham dress inspired by one of Keckley’s designs. At the 2018 Met Gala, themed “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” Parker stunned in a gilded creation by Dolce Alta Moda adorned with precious stones. She also wore a Neapolitan nativity scene atop her head, adding a unique and memorable touch to her ensemble.

Known for her ability to make any look her own while adhering to the theme, Sarah Jessica Parker continues to captivate audiences with her Met Gala appearances. Her bold fashion choices and attention to detail have solidified her status as a red carpet icon. As a seasoned attendee, Parker has navigated the evolving trends and themes of the event with elegance and flair. Whether paying homage to historical figures or embodying her beloved TV character, Parker’s Met Gala moments remain unforgettable and eagerly anticipated by fashion enthusiasts worldwide.

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