The Basque campaign is straining the relationship between the PSOE and Bildu, but there is no indication that it will break. The PSOE has made it clear that they will not govern with Bildu in Euskadi, but they will not give up the essential five seats that Bildu holds in Congress. While they reject Bildu’s position on ETA and its criminal history, they are willing to negotiate on social issues. This situation is reminiscent of the 2023 municipal elections, where the PSOE criticized Bildu for including terrorists on their lists but still worked with them in Congress. The distance between the PSOE and Bildu has grown during the campaign, with Pedro Sanchez demanding that Bildu condemn terrorism and call things by their name.

Sanchez has faced pressure from the PP, who are using the controversy to attack the PSOE for their alliances with Bildu. He has criticized both Bildu and the PP, highlighting the need to call ETA a terrorist group. Former President Zapatero has supported reconciliation with Bildu and using their votes to pass reforms. However, the current situation makes it difficult to envision a coalition government with Bildu, as they have not fully condemned ETA’s actions. Despite this, agreements could still be reached for certain votes or even for Bildu to govern Pamplona with the support of the PSN.

After the Basque elections, the dynamics in Congress will remain the same, with Bildu continuing to be crucial. Both sides seem committed to supporting Sanchez to pass social measures and prevent a PP and Vox government. The PP and Vox, however, see an opportunity to criticize the PSOE for their relationship with Bildu. Feijoo accused the PSOE of creating voters for Bildu with their policies and criticized Sanchez for being the first president elected with Bildu’s votes. While the PSOE has left themselves open to criticism, they believe it was necessary to clarify their differences with Bildu, especially regarding ETA’s status as a terrorist group.

Despite the tensions, it is unlikely that the relationship between the PSOE and Bildu will completely break. Bildu will need to make significant changes and condemn ETA more explicitly if they want to have a chance at reaching power without facing opposition from other parties. The PSOE is firm in its stance against terrorism and expects Bildu to comply with similar principles. The upcoming elections will not lead to any drastic changes in the current dynamics, but they serve as a reminder of the challenges and complexities of political alliances in the Basque region.

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