Government official Gabriel Attal visited a high school in Nice on April 22, 2024, to launch an educational boarding school program for students facing difficulties. During his visit, Attal emphasized the importance of discipline for success, quoting the Greek tragedian Eschyle. He engaged with a group of disengaged high school students, discussing the concept of discipline and its relation to respect for oneself and others. The program aims to help students get back on track and regain a sense of civic responsibility and effort.

In response to a recent call for more authority to combat youth violence, Attal detailed his plan to guide troubled students back on the right path. The first “educational boarding school” initiative will take place during the spring break, involving around twenty students identified by their schools as severely disruptive but non-delinquents. The program includes a variety of activities such as sports, theatre, civic education classes, and community service to keep adolescents engaged and away from negative influences. The goal is to provide a transformative experience in a short timeframe.

The program director, a retired gendarme, emphasizes the importance of keeping the students busy and motivated during their time at the boarding school. The curriculum is designed to address issues such as excessive screen time and lack of structure in the students’ lives. Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti highlights the benefits of keeping adolescents engaged and productive, pointing out the positive impact of the program on their development. The cost of the program, approximately 3,000 euros per student, is considered a worthwhile investment in preventing future delinquency.

Attal’s vision is to have similar educational boarding school programs in every department in France in the future. Despite the financial implications, he is committed to providing the necessary resources to support at-risk youth and prevent them from engaging in criminal activities later in life. Attal believes that investing in preventive measures like educational boarding schools is more cost-effective than dealing with the consequences of juvenile delinquency in the long run. The success of the program in Nice will serve as a model for future initiatives across the country.

The collaboration between government officials, educators, and community leaders is essential in addressing the challenges faced by at-risk youth. By providing structured and engaging programs like the educational boarding schools, authorities aim to empower students to make positive choices and develop essential life skills. The commitment to supporting vulnerable youth reflects a broader effort to promote social inclusion and prevent the cycle of delinquency and crime in society. Attal’s leadership in implementing innovative solutions highlights the importance of proactive measures in addressing youth issues.

Overall, the launch of the educational boarding school program in Nice represents a significant step towards supporting students in need and promoting a culture of respect, discipline, and civic responsibility. By investing in targeted interventions for at-risk youth, authorities hope to create a brighter future for young people facing difficulties and empower them to reach their full potential. The initiative underscores the government’s commitment to addressing the root causes of juvenile delinquency and providing opportunities for personal growth and development among vulnerable populations.

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