El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, originally released in 2011, has been re-released on the Switch over a decade later. The game follows the story of Enoch, sent to Earth to fight fallen Angels and stop an impending flood. However, the game feels outdated functionally, with a combat system reminiscent of Devil May Cry circa 2001. The fixed or tracking camera setup makes platforming sections awkward, and the combat itself is generic and repetitive.

Despite offering other weapons apart from the initial Arch, there is not much variety in combat to keep things interesting. The game also features 2D sections that suffer from platforming issues and feel out of place. The game’s functionality and combat system have not been improved in this remaster, leaving players with a dated and awkward experience.

The game’s narrative is nonsensical and overly pretentious, with a heavy emphasis on visually stunning art style over gameplay functionality. The visuals may be interesting in places, but they can also be visually disorienting, making it difficult to figure out objectives and navigate levels. While the character’s armor and weapons are creatively designed, it is unclear who actually designed them.

Overall, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster on the Switch retains the same dated and awkward gameplay that was present in the original 2011 release. The narrative delivery is confusing and visually pretentious, leading to a jarring experience for players. If players are looking for a stylish action game with Biblical narrative influences, they may be better off with the original Devil May Cry, which offers a more polished and enjoyable gameplay experience. The game has received a score of 4/10 and is priced at $29.99 on the Switch platform.

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