Australian radio hosts Kyle and Jackie O were shocked to learn that restaurants are using fake dating profiles to lure single female diners into their establishments. A caller revealed that her friends had fallen victim to this scam, where they would be stood up by a fake date arranged through a dating app. The caller explained that restaurants use this tactic to fill their seats and attract more customers, especially in the case of new establishments trying to gain popularity.

The hosts were initially confused by the revelation but quickly expressed their outrage at the devious plan. They compared the tactic, known as ‘food-digging,’ to catfishing and criticized it as a low act. The idea behind the scam is that a restaurant poses as a fake dating profile and arranges a date with a victim, who then gets stood up. The restaurant benefits by appearing popular and making money from the victim, who may end up purchasing something while waiting.

The caller mentioned that one of her friends had confronted a waiter at a venue who admitted that the restaurant was indeed catfishing customers to fill tables with attractive women. The hosts were appalled by this behavior and expressed disbelief that restaurants would stoop to such levels. Kyle described it as the lowest form of restaurant seat-filling idea he had ever heard of. The hosts also advised dating app users to suggest a cheaper date alternative to avoid falling victim to this scam.

The scam, which came to light in November 2023, has been exposed by several TikTok users who have raised awareness about the deceptive practice. The hosts condemned the tactic as unethical and manipulative, preying on unsuspecting victims who are genuinely looking for companionship. They emphasized that restaurants resorting to such tactics are engaging in dishonest and unfair practices that take advantage of vulnerable individuals seeking genuine connections.

The hosts Kyle and Jackie O expressed their shock and outrage at the news of restaurants using fake dating profiles to lure single female diners. They highlighted the manipulative nature of the scam, which involves deceiving individuals into coming to the restaurant under false pretenses. The hosts criticized the behavior as unethical and highlighted the negative impact it can have on the victims who fall for the deceitful tactics employed by these establishments.

In conclusion, the hosts and callers on the Australian radio station were appalled by the revelation of restaurants using fake dating profiles to fill seats and attract customers. They denounced the scam as a dishonest and manipulative tactic that preys on vulnerable individuals seeking genuine connections. The hosts emphasized the importance of raising awareness about such deceptive practices and advised dating app users to be cautious and avoid falling victim to these scams. The incident serves as a reminder of the need for transparency and integrity in business practices, especially in the competitive restaurant industry.

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