Late Night With The Devil, a blockbuster horror film directed by Australian siblings Colin and Cameron Cairnes, is set to be available for streaming on Shudder next month. The movie follows Jack Delroy, rival of Johnny Carson, who hosts a talk show called “Night Owls.” After a tragedy occurs, Jack decides to broadcast a Halloween special on October 31, 1977, unknowingly releasing evil into the homes of viewers across America.

Since its premiere on March 22, Late Night With The Devil has become IFC’s highest-grossing opening weekend film, bringing in an estimated $2.8 million and ranking sixth at the domestic box office. The thriller has received high praise from critics, boasting a 97% critics score and an 83% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. The film stars David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal Bazzi, Ingrid Torelli, Rhys Auteri, Georgina Haig, and Josh Quong Tart.

David Dastmalchian, who plays Jack Delroy in the film, has described Late Night With The Devil as “funny, shocking, and horrifying.” He noted that the horror elements in the movie go beyond typical jump scares and splatter, aiming to evoke a different kind of terror. Dastmalchian drew inspiration for his character from late-night talk show host Don Lane, who had a genuine interest in the supernatural and often featured guests with psychic abilities on his show.

For those eagerly awaiting the opportunity to watch Late Night With The Devil at home, the film will be available for streaming on Shudder starting April 19, 2024. Shudder is an exclusive streaming platform for horror, thriller, and supernatural content, offering a range of classics and newer releases. Viewers will need to purchase a Shudder subscription, with plans starting at $5.99 per month, or take advantage of the seven-day free trial to watch the film for free upon its release.

As the release date for Late Night With The Devil on Shudder approaches, horror fans can anticipate a chilling and thrilling viewing experience. With its talented cast, intriguing storyline, and unique approach to horror, the film promises to captivate audiences and deliver a terrifying ride through the world of late-night television. Get ready for a night of scares and surprises as Late Night With The Devil debuts on Shudder next month.

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