The article discusses the similarities between the current political climate and the 1930s in Europe, highlighting the dangerous trend of blaming foreigners or perceived outsiders for societal problems. Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right party Rassemblement National (RN), has been promoting the idea of “national preference” or “priority national,” which seeks to exclude or expel foreigners as a solution to various issues such as unemployment, public finances, education, healthcare, security, and housing. This rhetoric has gained traction, particularly with the recent debate on immigration law in 2023, where even mainstream right-wing and centrist politicians supported tightening restrictions for immigrants’ access to social benefits.

The focus on excluding foreigners and using them as scapegoats has historically led to disastrous consequences, as seen in France during the 1930s when similar laws and policies were implemented with catastrophic results. The narrative of blaming immigrants for economic and social problems has been a key strategy of the far-right, especially as the upcoming European elections approach where questions of sovereignty are central. The RN’s solutions to France’s challenges consistently involve targeting foreigners, echoing past approaches that ultimately failed to address the underlying issues.

Historian Gérard Noiriel, in his book “Préférence Nationale: Leçon d’histoire à l’usage des contemporains,” highlights how the debates on immigration in the 1930s fueled a dangerous cycle that led to the adoption of extreme right-wing ideologies within mainstream politics. As history has shown, the exclusionary policies and rhetoric utilized by political figures like Marine Le Pen can have severe consequences, both socially and economically. It is crucial to learn from past mistakes and not repeat the same patterns that resulted in political extremism and intolerance.

The fear of “the other” has been a long-standing issue in European history, with immigrants and minorities often being scapegoated during times of crisis. By understanding the historical context and consequences of exclusionary policies, society can work towards a more inclusive and tolerant approach to addressing its challenges. The current political landscape in France and Europe necessitates a cautious approach to prevent the reemergence of harmful ideologies that can lead to division and conflict, as seen in the past.

As the RN continues to advocate for exclusionary policies and promote nationalist rhetoric, it is essential for citizens and policymakers to critically examine these approaches and their potential impact on society. By recognizing the risks associated with blaming immigrants and outsiders for deeper societal issues, individuals can work towards building a more cohesive and inclusive society that values diversity and mutual respect. The lessons from history serve as a reminder of the dangers of succumbing to fear and intolerance, urging individuals to strive for a more compassionate and understanding approach towards addressing complex challenges.

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