After nearly 42 years working for the City of Saskatoon, Lynne Lacroix, General Manager of the Community Services Division, is retiring this summer. Reflecting on her career in an interview with Global Saskatoon, Lacroix discussed the changes she has seen over the years, including the increased pace of change, communication channels, community engagement, and the City’s involvement in new areas such as housing and social development. She expressed gratitude for the opportunities for learning and growth that the City has provided her, as well as the diverse teams of people she has had the privilege to work with.

Lacroix expressed her enjoyment of every position she has held with the City, from starting as a lifeguard to her current role as General Manager. She credited her colleagues, mentors, and the positive memories she has created throughout her career for making her time with the City so fulfilling. Lacroix highlighted some key accomplishments that she is most proud of, including her involvement in the development of the Shaw Centre with integrated high schools, as well as her work on the Accessibility Action Plan and Immigration Action Plan. These projects allowed her to connect with the community and make a positive difference.

As she approaches retirement, Lacroix shared her plans to spend more time on the golf course and with family and friends. She also expressed a desire to continue learning, potentially auditing classes at the university to explore new opportunities for personal growth. Despite the occasional challenge of balancing work, personal, and family time over the years, Lacroix looks forward to having more time to dedicate to her hobbies and interests once she retires at the end of July. She emphasized the importance of finding this balance and making time for personal pursuits.

Looking back on her career, Lacroix expressed gratitude for the experiences she has had with the City of Saskatoon and the meaningful relationships she has developed along the way. She highlighted the support she has received from her colleagues and mentors, as well as the opportunities for leadership and growth that the City has provided. Lacroix’s dedication to making a positive impact in the community, through projects such as the Shaw Centre and the Accessibility Action Plan, has left a lasting impression on those she has worked with and the residents of Saskatoon. As she prepares for retirement, Lacroix looks forward to new opportunities for learning, growth, and personal fulfillment in the next chapter of her life.

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