Prue Leith and her husband, John Playfair, enjoy riding their Harley-Davidson trike from pub to pub in the Cotswolds, causing mischief along the way by revving the engine at ear-splitting volumes. Despite Prue’s initial reservations about the noise pollution, she admits that locals seem to enjoy the sound of the motorbike. John, known for his gregarious nature, has found a way to set off nearby cars’ alarms by revving the engine at a certain pitch, much to his amusement. The couple’s adventures on their trike through the countryside include pub crawls, with Prue doing the drinking and John handling the driving.

Prue, who has been a judge on the Great British Bake Off, lives with John in a barn conversion in Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire. While she enjoys cooking and gardening, she humorously reveals that she hadn’t made a bed in 50 years. She takes care of household chores like loading the dishwasher, but leaves the heavy work to John. Prue participates in charity events like the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and contributes recipes to fundraising books. Despite her gardening efforts, she admits to accidentally harming wildlife like toads while working in the garden.

Currently filming for the Great American Baking Show with co-judge Paul Hollywood, Prue shares insights into the filming location at Pinewood Studios, Buckinghamshire. She mentions Paul’s struggles with selling his pub in Kent due to objections from locals, highlighting the challenges faced by traditional pubs in the current market. Prue emphasizes the importance of supporting local pubs, noting that many in the Cotswolds rely on wealthy residents who frequent these establishments. She also discusses the show’s decision to film in the UK rather than the US due to cost considerations related to union rules and production expenses.

Prue’s involvement in baking shows reflects her culinary expertise and passion for the gastronomic arts. Beyond her television appearances, she enjoys riding her Harley-Davidson trike and going on pub crawls with John in the picturesque villages of the Cotswolds. Their playful antics, including setting off car alarms with the motorbike’s engine, add a fun twist to their adventures. While Prue jokes about her lack of enthusiasm for certain household chores, she remains dedicated to charity work and promoting causes like Freedom from Torture through her involvement in events like the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

Despite her fame as a television personality and judge on culinary shows, Prue Leith maintains a down-to-earth attitude and a playful spirit in her everyday life. She and her husband John’s love for exploring the Cotswolds on their Harley-Davidson trike exemplifies their sense of adventure and willingness to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Prue’s quirky anecdotes about gardening mishaps and household tasks provide a glimpse into her personality beyond the spotlight of television. Through their shared experiences and unique hobbies, Prue and John showcase a vibrant and lively approach to leisure and relaxation in their rural surroundings.

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