Destiny 2 players will need to prepare for changes to the economy and farming system in the upcoming expansion, The Final Shape. While some aspects will remain the same, such as the need to stack bounties for artifact power and grinding for new power caps through gear, there are new methods for obtaining exotic armor quickly. The new system involves ranking up Rahool by focusing or decrypting engrams, with exotic engrams providing the most XP.

Players will need to have a full inventory of exotic engrams in order to start focusing and getting the new Final Shape/Echoes exotics. There are various sources for obtaining exotic engrams, such as milestone changes, season pass rewards, world drops, and vendor resets. Additionally, exotic engrams can drop from high-level content like Nightfalls and legend and master Lost Sectors, but they cannot be farmed in a meaningful capacity.

Stocking up on Ascendant Shards is also recommended, as they are used in focusing exotics to gain more XP. Ascendant Shards can be obtained from vendor resets, Nightfalls, Onslaught chests, Trials chests, Master dungeons, high tier Coil/seasonal activity runs, and purchased from Rahool for Prisms and Glimmer. There is a weekly cap on discounted shards available from Rahool.

Players will also need Exotic Ciphers to focus the new gear, and they have a higher cap of 5. Sources for Exotic Ciphers are limited, with one available per week from Xur through an activity-based bounty and one in the seasonal battle pass. Due to the cap on ciphers, players may not be able to fully stock up on them if there are more exotics than the cap allows when The Final Shape launches.

While the new system may seem dreary to some players, it is designed to help players obtain the new exotics faster than through RNG farming and waiting for the correct day. Overall, players will need to carefully prepare and strategize in order to optimize their chances of obtaining the new exotic gear in Destiny 2’s upcoming expansion, The Final Shape. Stay updated by following the latest news on social media platforms and check out the author’s sci-fi novels for more exciting content.

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