Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison announced that the company will be moving its world headquarters to Nashville, Tennessee, to be closer to the major health-care industry in the city. In a conversation with former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist during the Oracle Health Summit in Nashville, Ellison revealed that Oracle is relocating a “huge campus” to Nashville, which will ultimately become their world headquarters. He emphasized that Nashville is a thriving health-care center and a desirable place to live, which has garnered excitement among Oracle employees.

Ellison highlighted Nashville as a central location for the health-care industry, an area of focus for Oracle in recent years. The company has been expanding its presence in health care, including the acquisition of medical records software giant Cerner for $28 billion. He mentioned that although Oracle is relatively new to the health-care sector, he believes the company has a “moral obligation” to help address the challenges facing the industry. The announcement of Oracle’s move to Nashville came as a surprise, with Ellison admitting that he may not have intended to reveal the decision during the conversation with Frist.

Nashville has a long-standing reputation as a health-care hub, attracting a network of health systems, startups, and investment firms over the years. The city’s prominence in the health-care industry can be traced back to the founding of HCA Healthcare, one of the first for-profit hospital companies in the U.S., in Nashville in 1968. This milestone helped establish Nashville as a magnet for health-care professionals and organizations, paving the way for further growth and development in the industry. Oracle’s decision to move its headquarters to Nashville aligns with the city’s established status as a center for health care.

Oracle has been working on developing its new $1.2 billion campus in Nashville for approximately three years, as reported by The Tennessean. Ellison expressed that Oracle employees are enthusiastic about the move to Nashville, viewing it as a strategic location for the company’s future growth and success. The decision to relocate the world headquarters to Nashville underscores Oracle’s commitment to expanding its presence in the health-care industry and leveraging the city’s thriving health-care ecosystem. While Oracle did not immediately respond to requests for comment regarding the move, the announcement signals a significant shift in the company’s operations and strategic focus.

The transformation of Nashville into a renowned health-care hub over the past decades has positioned the city as an attractive destination for companies like Oracle seeking to capitalize on the industry’s growth and innovation. With a strong network of health systems, startups, and investment firms, Nashville offers a supportive environment for companies looking to establish a presence in the health-care sector. Oracle’s decision to make Nashville its world headquarters reflects the city’s reputation as a vibrant and dynamic health-care ecosystem, providing ample opportunities for collaboration, growth, and innovation in the industry. The move signifies Oracle’s dedication to furthering its impact in the health-care sector and demonstrates its confidence in the potential for success in Nashville’s thriving health-care market.

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