Mark, CEO of TenantCloud and CEO/Co-Founder of Rentler, shares his insights on how to successfully onboard and engage new hires in a hybrid or remote work environment. Despite the challenges of welcoming employees from afar, Mark emphasizes the importance of making new hires feel valued and included from the start. To achieve this, he suggests sending care packages, giving shoutouts, and organizing team lunches as ways to show appreciation and build relationships.

To combat feelings of loneliness and overwhelm that often come with starting a new role in a hybrid setting, Mark recommends assigning a work buddy and involving new hires in various meetings early on. By filling their calendars and providing support, companies can help ease the transition and ensure that new employees feel connected to the team. Additionally, setting clear expectations through a 90-day roadmap can help new hires understand company goals and work towards them more effectively.

Regular check-ins are crucial in maintaining employee engagement, with two scheduled meetings per week leading to higher levels of engagement. By creating a space for open communication and feedback, managers can show that they value their employees’ input and are committed to their success. Mark suggests soliciting feedback from new hires to ensure that the onboarding process is effective and continuously improving.

By implementing these strategies in his own company, Mark has seen increased onboarding success rates, improved team communication, and higher levels of employee satisfaction. Ultimately, the goal is to create a supportive and collaborative workplace where new hires feel comfortable, valued, and motivated to succeed. By involving employees early on and prioritizing their engagement, companies can set the stage for long-term success and growth in a hybrid work environment.

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