Gérald Darmanin, the French Minister of the Interior, has declared that the arrival of the Olympic flame in Marseille’s Vieux-Port on May 8th aboard the three-masted ship Belem will mark the beginning of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The event is expected to attract 150,000 spectators and nearly one billion TV viewers. Security measures for the event include the deployment of 5,942 police officers and gendarmes on land, in the air, on the water, and even underwater with subaquatic drones. President Emmanuel Macron will also be present for the maritime landing of the Olympic flame.

The security deployment in Marseille for the arrival of the Olympic flame is described as unprecedented, involving half of the mobile force units available in the city. This operation surpasses the security measures put in place for the visit of Pope Francis in September 2023. The security personnel include elite marksmen, maritime prefecture agents, operation “Sentinelle” military personnel, and explosive detection dogs, along with 2,500 individuals provided by the municipality. 500 municipal police officers and 600 volunteers will be dedicated to managing spectator movements, while efforts will be made to ensure a discreet presence for a joyful and celebratory event.

The Mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan, and French Secretary of State for Urban Affairs Sabrina Agresti-Roubache have emphasized the exceptional nature of the Olympic flame arrival in Marseille. Payan praises the grandiose and popular nature of the event, highlighting the unique celebration that France has organized. The mayor acknowledges the importance of ensuring security for such a large-scale celebration, with a focus on making the event enjoyable for Marseille, its youth, and the entire country. The sentiment is echoed by the mayor’s team, who have shown audacity in their planning and organization of the event.

The participation of various security forces, volunteers, and municipal personnel in ensuring the safety and smooth running of the Olympic flame arrival and subsequent events demonstrates a coordinated effort to make the celebration a success. The scale and complexity of the security measures reflect the significance of the event for Marseille, as well as the broader context of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The combined efforts of all involved aim to create a secure environment for the festivities, allowing spectators to enjoy the event while also being reassured of their safety. The careful planning and execution of security measures reflect a commitment to hosting a memorable and safe celebration for all participants.

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