Olivia Munn, 43, has bravely embraced her body and scars following her breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. After undergoing a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries, the actress learned to accept her new body. She opened up about her struggles with divots and dents near her lymph nodes, along with learning how to camouflage them with tattoo-type makeup. Despite feeling the need to hide certain aspects of her battle wounds, Munn felt empowered by the support and acceptance of her loved ones, including partner John Mulaney and their son Malcolm.

For a red carpet appearance at the Academy Awards in March, Munn worked with her makeup artist to conceal her scars with tattoo makeup. She also grew out her dark locks as another way to hide the physical reminders of her fight with cancer. While she still experiences moments of sadness and the need to cover up her scars, she has learned to embrace them as battle wounds that she can show or hide as she pleases. Having undergone reconstructive surgery, Munn acknowledged that her body may never be the same but expressed gratitude for the opportunity to fight and be here today.

Diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2023, Munn chose to keep her battle private until March 13, 2024. She underwent a double mastectomy as part of her treatment and shared her journey with her fans. Despite the challenges she faced, Munn remained optimistic and grateful for the chance to have a double mastectomy. She acknowledged that not everyone in her situation has the same options and opportunities, emphasizing the importance of access to healthcare and treatment options for all individuals facing similar battles.

As she continues to work on her new show, Friends and Neighbors, for Apple+, Munn is looking forward to applying her craft in the small screen project. Feeling more forgiving of herself and free from doubt, she is excited to be back on set and fully present in her work. Munn expressed how important it is for actors to be able to quiet the outside noise and be in the moment, highlighting the value of self-compassion and kindness in navigating life’s challenges. By being gentler with herself, Munn finds each day easier to manage and tackle.

Throughout her journey, Munn has found strength and resilience in her own battle scars. By sharing her story and experiences, she hopes to inspire others facing similar struggles to embrace their imperfections and celebrate their resilience. With the support of her loved ones and the acceptance of her body as it is, Munn continues to move forward with grace and courage. Her openness and vulnerability serve as a reminder of the importance of self-love and acceptance in overcoming life’s obstacles.

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