The family of the Oklahoma City man who killed his wife and three of their children have decided not to let the murder-suicide define them as they focus on caring for the one surviving son. The wife’s family is refusing to mention Jonathan Candy’s name, the man who committed the killings, and instead are supporting and caring for the 10-year-old boy who was left unscathed and discovered his entire family dead. They have taken him in and are working to erase the memory of the killer by not mentioning his name in their conversations and storytelling. An online fundraiser has been set up to help support the surviving son and show their dedication to his well-being.

The family and loved ones of Lindsay, Dylan, Ethan, and Lucas have been reminiscing about their legacies and the love people had for the children who tragically died. They are focusing on supporting and comforting the surviving 10-year-old boy who is going to need a lot of help to get through this difficult time. Everyone has been heartbroken by the loss of the family members, and the love for the children is evident in the outpouring of messages and support that the family has received. The focus has shifted to helping the boy recover from the trauma of losing his family in such a horrific way.

The 10-year-old boy was the one to discover the scene and call 911, leading to the unraveling of the tragedy that befell his family. Jonathan Candy escalated an argument with his wife into an unspeakable tragedy by shooting and killing his wife and children before taking his own life. The fourth boy was spared, and the reason for this remains a mystery, leaving everyone wondering why he was the only survivor. Despite this tragic event, the family had no prior contact with the police, and there was no history of domestic abuse, making the motive for the killings even more perplexing.

The family spent a heartbreaking weekend doting on the boy who lost his entire family in a single tragic event. They are working to provide love, support, and comfort in the wake of this devastating loss, as they try to come to terms with the senseless act of violence that tore their family apart. While they may never understand the motivations behind Jonathan Candy’s actions, they are choosing to focus on honoring the memories of Lindsay, Dylan, Ethan, and Lucas, and ensuring that the surviving boy has everything he needs to heal and move forward from this traumatic experience.

The family has chosen to remember the positive impact that Lindsay, Dylan, Ethan, and Lucas had on their lives and the lives of others, rather than dwelling on the horrific way in which they were taken from them. They are working to keep their memories alive in a loving and supportive way, by ensuring that the surviving son is surrounded by love and care as he tries to come to terms with his unimaginable loss. The outpouring of support and messages from friends, family, and the community has been a source of comfort and strength as they navigate this unimaginable tragedy together.

The surviving 10-year-old boy is going to need ongoing support and care as he processes the loss of his family and tries to rebuild his life in the aftermath of this devastating event. The family is committed to providing him with everything he needs to heal and recover, and they are grateful for the love and support they have received during this difficult time. Despite the unimaginable pain and heartache caused by Jonathan Candy’s actions, the family is choosing to focus on love, healing, and keeping the memories of Lindsay, Dylan, Ethan, and Lucas alive in their hearts forever.

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