Several discussions are being held regarding the decision that Pedro Sánchez will make on Monday, whether to continue leading the government or step aside. The priority seems to be to save the government and maintain the coalition between the socialists and Sumar. If Sánchez resigns, a replacement will be chosen and will have to go through a vote of confidence in Congress. It is believed that the king would find a candidate with enough support to successfully pass the investiture.

There is great concern about the state of politics in Spain in recent years, with various groups participating in the debate, including Sumar, Podemos, nationalist groups, unions, and active sectors of culture. The main focus, however, is on the PSOE, the party that supports the government. Demonstrations of support for Pedro Sánchez have been seen outside the party headquarters in Madrid, with thousands of socialist militants and supporters showing their support. The intention is to save the continuity of the government and move forward together.

After a meeting of the federal committee, various leaders highlighted the faith and commitment of socialist militants to their organization, regardless of Sánchez’s decision to stay or leave. The decision will be accepted and supported by the membership, who are expected to rally for the upcoming European elections. The recent example of the PSOE losing power but regaining ground in the general elections shows the resilience of the party and its ability to rebuild support.

Pedro Sánchez’s unprecedented five-day pause has sparked new debates and raised questions about the normalization of false information and direct insults in politics. Some in his party and in Sumar wonder about the publicity of his decision-making process, but acknowledge the need for reflection and the challenges of the political environment. If Sánchez chooses to stay, it is expected that institutional responses to these challenges will be proposed, potentially including delicate reforms.

Leaders present at the federal committee meeting and later among the militants noted that there were no insults directed at anyone during the emotional hours at the party headquarters. The focus is on addressing issues closer to home and finding ways to move forward in a challenging political landscape. The potential for reforms and the need to uphold constitutional rights are part of the ongoing discussions, with a focus on maintaining stability and progress in the face of uncertainty.

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