Derek Floyd, a 36-year-old FDNY firefighter, passed away from a heart attack on April 15, months after being fired as part of the city’s efforts to address the migrant crisis. Floyd had been on long-term duty due to injuries sustained on the job, and was working in the Fire Department chaplain’s office at the time of his firing. Despite his years of service, Floyd was let go just before he could vest additional medical benefits for his family and over $600,000 worth of death benefits.

After being fired, Floyd found a job with a non-profit that helps veterans, but the pay was significantly less than what he made at the FDNY, and the limited benefits and hours made it difficult for him to provide for his family. His widow, Cristine, described how the loss of this job affected their family, leaving them struggling financially and facing a significant amount of debt. Floyd’s passion for being a firefighter and his dedication to his family were evident, and his absence has been deeply felt by his wife and two young children.

City Hall’s decision to slash the FDNY budget by $74 million by 2025, in order to allocate funds for the migrant crisis, resulted in the termination of Floyd and other long-term duty employees. The NYPD and the Department of Education will also face budget cuts, impacting staffing levels and services provided to the community. Some have raised concerns about the necessity of cutting essential services, such as the FDNY, to make room for migrant spending.

Uniformed Firefighter Association President Andrew Ansbro expressed dismay over Floyd’s termination, stating that he was a crucial asset to the department and was needed in his role within the chaplain’s office. Ansbro criticized the decision to let Floyd go in order to demonstrate budget cuts, emphasizing that the FDNY was already understaffed and in need of experienced personnel like Floyd. The circumstances surrounding Floyd’s firing and subsequent struggles faced by his family have prompted outrage and calls for reconsideration of budget reallocations.

Cristine shared that the most difficult part of their experience was watching her husband navigate financial challenges while still prioritizing time with their family. She described how Floyd was dedicated to his role as a firefighter and cherished spending time with his children, making his absence all the more painful for their family. Despite their hardships, Cristine expressed her love for her late husband and the impact of his loss on their lives.

Efforts to support the Floyd family have been made through donations to the New York Firefighters Foundation, with contributions accepted to help alleviate their financial burden. The tragic loss of Derek Floyd serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by first responders, and the challenges faced by their families in the wake of unexpected circumstances. The story of Derek Floyd highlights the interconnectedness of community support, public services, and the impacts of budget decisions on individuals and families.

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