Stellar Blade offers players the opportunity to collect numerous outfits for the character Eve, but obtaining them can be a bit tricky. While some outfits can be found on the map, many are acquired through various means that require specific strategies. Players looking to maximize their outfit collection should consider focusing on vendors, crafting currency, and exploring the world for hidden chests.

One of the main ways to obtain outfits in Stellar Blade is by maxing out vendors like Sister’s Junk in Xion. By spending money at the store and completing the associated quest, players can unlock more outfits for purchase. Additionally, players can buy crafting materials from Sister’s Junk, making it easier to craft outfits without having to scour the wild for resources. This method not only helps in acquiring outfits but also levels up the shop for future purchases.

Another valuable resource for outfit collection in Stellar Blade is the Info Dealer, located next to the bulletin board in town. By fully maxing out this vendor, players can access a special outfit that may appeal to those looking for a more provocative look. Exploring the different zones in the game is also crucial for finding outfits, with many hidden chests containing unique clothing items. By scanning the area diligently, players can uncover well-hidden secrets and expand their outfit collection.

For players willing to put in the effort, collecting every hidden can in the game is another way to unlock a special lingerie outfit. This task can be challenging and may require a guide to locate all the hidden cans scattered throughout the game. Additionally, engaging in battles with world bosses can sometimes yield unique outfits as rewards, providing another avenue for players to diversify their wardrobe.

Players embarking on a new game plus (NG+) playthrough in Stellar Blade can look forward to discovering several dozen new outfits, including recolors and brand new designs. NG+ introduces additional content and challenges for players to experience, adding to the excitement of outfit hunting in the game. Overall, collecting outfits in Stellar Blade requires a combination of exploration, resource management, and perseverance to unlock the full range of clothing options available for Eve.

As players delve into the world of Stellar Blade and embark on their outfit hunt, they can utilize the tips and strategies provided to enhance their gaming experience. By taking advantage of vendors, crafting currency, and hidden secrets in the game, players can expand their outfit collection and customize Eve to suit their preferences. With a mix of exploration, strategic planning, and a bit of luck, players can enjoy the thrill of discovering new outfits while immersing themselves in the captivating world of Stellar Blade.

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