Short-term rentals have evolved from budget-friendly alternatives to luxury accommodations that cater to affluent travelers seeking immersive experiences. The occupancy rates for luxury vacation properties have increased significantly over the years, indicating a rising demand for these types of accommodations. According to Dorothée Guiol, deputy CEO of Accor’s luxury short-term rental brand, onefinestay, travelers are increasingly valuing the benefits of having a ‘home away from home’ and are becoming new adopters of the short-term rental market as it becomes more professionalized.

With a new leadership team in place, onefinestay is focusing on strategic growth in key destinations such as London, Paris, Los Angeles, Italy, the Caribbean, and Costa Rica. The company aims to strengthen its presence in these locations and enhance the guest experience by offering personalized services that traditional hotels cannot match. With the Paris Olympics approaching, onefinestay is particularly focused on expanding its footprint in the French capital to cater to the influx of visitors expected during the event.

Maintaining consistent quality across its properties is a top priority for onefinestay, despite the challenges associated with supply and demand. The brand rejects almost 90 percent of homes that apply to be part of its collection to ensure that the quality remains high and meets the standards expected by luxury travelers. By investing in technology and constantly improving the guest experience, onefinestay aims to provide a seamless and bespoke experience for its guests, similar to that of ultra-luxury hotels.

Innovation is key for onefinestay as it looks towards the future, with a focus on developing Residence Hotels that combine private residences with luxury hotel services. This initiative is supported by Accor One Living, an industry-first platform for mixed-use projects and branded living communities. The brand is also adapting to changes in short-term rental laws in cities like New York by shifting its focus to medium-term rentals of 30 nights or more, catering to travelers who require longer stays for work or home renovations.

Onefinestay aims to solidify its position as a leader in the luxury private rental market by raising the bar for quality, technology, and guest experiences. The brand hopes to set an industry benchmark in terms of providing exceptional service, immersive experiences, and overall guest satisfaction. By focusing on key destinations, expanding its portfolio, and innovating for the future, onefinestay is poised to continue its success in the luxury short-term rental market and provide travelers with unforgettable experiences. Visit to learn more about the brand and its offerings.

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