Kristi Ray Ledgerwood, 44, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in February 2022, which motivated her to make significant changes in her life. Having witnessed the impact of diabetes on her family members, she knew she needed to prioritize her health. At 329 pounds, she faced various health issues, including arthritis in her spine and struggled to stick to diets and exercise plans in the past. Her doctor recommended a low-carb diet to help control her blood sugar, and with medication and a walking routine, she managed to lose an impressive 210 pounds and maintain her weight loss for almost a year.

Ledgerwood experienced numerous non-scale victories as a result of her weight loss journey. Her A1C levels, fasting glucose levels, kidney function, and inflammation improved significantly. She also regained the ability to sleep comfortably and walk long distances, allowing her to play with her children in ways she couldn’t before. By joining a supportive group of individuals in the Start TODAY Facebook group, she found the motivation to continue her progress and connect with others who shared similar struggles and successes.

With a focus on a low-carb diet, Ledgerwood shifted her eating habits from fast food and refined carbs to whole grains, beans, and vegetables. She prioritized protein and high-fiber foods, monitored her carbohydrate intake, and drank only water to maintain her health goals. Incorporating an injectable medication prescribed by her doctor, which helped control her diabetes and reduced her appetite, she found success in managing her weight and health. Her daily meals now consist of protein-rich options, and she refrains from snacking or eating late in the evenings.

In addition to her dietary changes, Ledgerwood also implemented a five-mile-a-day walking routine to improve her fitness and overall health. Starting with indoor cycling and gradually transitioning to walking, she experienced less pain and increased energy as she progressed. Eventually, she reached a point where she could walk without discomfort and now enjoys walking outdoors and on a treadmill regularly. This newfound ability to walk freely has been a significant achievement in her health journey and a source of pride for her.

Having lost 200 pounds, Ledgerwood faced the challenge of excess skin, prompting her to undergo skin-removal surgery. In February 2024, she had a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck procedure to remove excess skin from her abdomen, which resulted in significant weight loss. While the recovery process was challenging, she is satisfied with the results and plans to have additional skin removal surgeries in the future. Despite the financial costs of the surgeries, Ledgerwood prioritized her well-being and chose the procedures that would provide her with the best outcomes and improved quality of life.

Overall, Kristi Ray Ledgerwood’s journey highlights the transformative power of prioritizing health and making sustainable lifestyle changes. Through dedication to a low-carb diet, regular exercise, and medical interventions, she achieved significant weight loss and improved her overall well-being. By connecting with a supportive community and overcoming challenges such as excess skin, she has demonstrated resilience and determination in her health journey. With continued commitment to her health goals, Ledgerwood serves as an inspiration for others embarking on similar paths to better health and wellness.

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