Jamey Simpson, the son of former astronaut Cady Coleman, grew up surrounded by children of astronauts in Houston and believed that everyone’s mom was an astronaut. Now 23 years old, Simpson reflects on his mother’s work in space and their unique relationship. The mother-son duo is now featured in a film called “Space: The Longest Goodbye” as part of PBS Independent Lens series. The film showcases how NASA prepares astronauts for long absences as they train for missions to Mars, highlighting the sacrifices and challenges faced by families of astronauts.

Simpson recalls the nightly communication with his mother while she was in space, where she would call from her satellite phone and they would watch her arcing across the sky. The pair also had weekly video chats, which the film director Ido Mizrahy had the privilege of watching all 50 hours of. Despite the distance, constant communication between mother and son helped them stay connected and share updates about their lives. Simpson emphasizes the importance of understanding his mother’s work and the impact it has on people on Earth, which helped him cope with her long absences.

Cady Coleman, a chemist, engineer, former Air Force colonel, and retired astronaut, shares her emotional journey of being in space and missing her family. She recalls crying at a picture of her son sent by his father and the challenges of leaving loved ones behind on Earth. Despite the difficulties, Coleman believes that the connection with her family and other crew members helped them stay focused on the mission and work towards solving challenges in space. She expresses her support for the film, believing it puts the human aspect into human space flight and showcases the sacrifices made by astronauts and their families.

While in space, there was a possibility that Coleman might have stayed longer than the planned six months, which she expressed willingness to do. Reflecting on this, Simpson expresses his admiration for his mother’s work and willingness to also go to space if given the opportunity. He emphasizes the importance of raising a family to understand and support the unique lifestyle of astronauts, making it a normal part of their lives. Coleman echoes this sentiment, stating the importance of showcasing human space flight through such films, which highlight the sacrifices and dedication of astronauts and their families.

The film “Space: The Longest Goodbye” will air on PBS Independent Lens on May 6th, showcasing the story of Cady Coleman and her son Jamey Simpson. The film delves into the challenges and emotional journey of being an astronaut and the impact it has on their families. Viewers will get a glimpse into the life of an astronaut’s family and the sacrifices made for the greater good of space exploration. The film will also be available for streaming via the PBS app, allowing a wider audience to experience the unique and inspiring story of the mother-son duo.

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