A tourist mom was stabbed in the chest by a knife-wielding maniac in Times Square while chaperoning a group of school girls on a class trip. The victim’s husband has expressed that the family no longer feels safe in the city and has no plans to visit again. The attacker, 61-year-old Cyril Destin, had a lengthy criminal record with 14 arrests over the past 20 years. Destin attacked the 36-year-old mother of five in a totally unprovoked manner as she and the students were leaving a souvenir shop.

Despite sustaining severe wounds, the victim, identified as Amber Lohr, remained calm and focused on protecting her students. Her husband considers her a hero for her actions and bravery during the attack. Once the students were safe, Amber revealed she had been stabbed, and a bystander sought help. Amber’s husband commended the strong and fearless response of the girls she was chaperoning, who remained composed and offered assistance despite their fear.

Amber was treated on the sidewalk before being taken to Bellevue Hospital for her stab wounds. Meanwhile, the attacker was arrested and found to still be holding the knife when officers arrived. The husband expressed gratitude that the situation did not escalate further and his relief that his wife survived the attack. Cyril Destin, who resides in a nearby shelter, was charged with second-degree assault and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon. He has a long history of criminal activity and erratic behavior, including hallucinations.

The Lohrs are seeking justice for Amber and want Destin to be incarcerated for a long time to prevent him from potentially harming others. John Lohr believes that if Destin is not held accountable, he may harm others in the future. He emphasized the need for maximum sentencing and permanent institutionalization, given Destin’s violent and unpredictable behavior. The family has been shaken by the incident and plans to stay away from the city in the future, considering it unsafe after the traumatic attack on Amber.

The traumatic incident in Times Square has left the victim’s family and the community unsettled, as they reflect on the danger posed by individuals like Cyril Destin. In light of the attack, concerns about safety and security in public spaces have been raised, prompting calls for stricter measures against individuals with a history of violent behavior. The bravery and quick thinking of Amber Lohr, as well as the assistance from bystanders and the students she was chaperoning, have been acknowledged and commended in the aftermath of the attack. As authorities work to ensure justice is served, the victim’s family hopes for a resolution that will prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

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