Sen. Mitt Romney criticized South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem for shooting her dog and rejected comparisons to his own controversy involving his dog Seamus during the 2012 presidential campaign. Romney stated that he did not shoot or eat his dog and emphasized his love for his pet. Noem shared an anecdote from 20 years ago in which she shot her dog named Cricket, whom she described as “untrainable” and “dangerous.” Despite facing criticism, Noem defended her actions as being responsible. Some lawmakers on Capitol Hill, including Sen. Thom Tillis, criticized Noem for not seeking alternative solutions, such as finding someone to train the dog.

Sen. John Cornyn advised against sharing such controversial stories in books, while South Dakota’s congressional delegation defended Noem and other ranchers who are forced to make difficult decisions about their animals. Sen. Mike Rounds and Rep. Dusty Johnson emphasized that putting down animals is not uncommon in rural America and considered it a private matter for families. Despite the backlash, Noem stood by her decision and stated that she followed the law and acted as a responsible pet owner. The story has caused confusion and raised questions about the ethical treatment of animals among some Republicans.

Romney also took a swipe at President Trump, suggesting that it would be difficult for him to find a vice president who is smarter and a better speaker than himself and does not compromise their principles. The comparison between Noem’s dog shooting and Romney’s dog controversy during his presidential campaign highlights differing perspectives on pet ownership and moral considerations. The remarks from various lawmakers on Capitol Hill reflect a range of opinions on the matter, with some criticizing Noem’s actions and others defending her as a rancher faced with a tough decision.

The controversy surrounding Noem’s dog shooting incident has sparked debate about responsible pet ownership and the ethical treatment of animals. The differing responses from lawmakers illustrate a divide in opinions on how such situations should be handled and whether alternative solutions should be sought in cases of problematic pets. Noem’s decision to include the story in her book has drawn criticism and raised concerns about how such actions may be perceived by the public. The debate highlights the complexities of pet ownership and the moral dilemmas that can arise when faced with difficult decisions regarding the well-being of animals.

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