A serious accident occurred at the Süpürgen Tunnel on the Yusufeli-İspir road in Turkey, as a minibus driven by Halis Keleş crashed into a platform where workers were carrying out lighting work. The accident resulted in injuries to the driver, Mehmet Yarar, as well as passengers Gül and Mürsel Keleş, along with workers Kürşat Ağır, Aykut Cesur, Kadir Özkal, and Olgun Gürel.

The injured individuals were swiftly taken to Yusufeli State Hospital by ambulances, before being transferred to Artvin State Hospital for further treatment. The accident caused a temporary closure of the road, but it was reopened for traffic after authorities completed their investigation and allowed for repairs to be made.

This incident serves as a reminder of the risks faced by workers in construction and infrastructure projects, as well as the importance of following safety protocols to prevent accidents. The local community has expressed concern and sympathy for those injured in the accident, and authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to determine the cause and prevent similar incidents in the future.

The Süpürgen Tunnel has been a key part of the Yusufeli-İspir road infrastructure project, aimed at improving transportation and connectivity in the region. It is crucial for such projects to prioritize the safety of workers and commuters, ensuring that proper measures are in place to prevent accidents and respond effectively in case of emergencies.

Overall, this accident highlights the need for continued vigilance and adherence to safety regulations in construction projects to protect the well-being of workers and the public. Authorities are working to address any shortcomings in safety measures that may have contributed to the incident, while also emphasizing the importance of proactive safety planning and implementation in all infrastructure projects.

As the injured individuals recover and the investigation progresses, the community is coming together to support those impacted by the accident and to ensure that lessons are learned to prevent similar incidents in the future. The authorities are also committed to improving safety measures and oversight to enhance the overall safety and efficiency of infrastructure projects in the region.

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