Antalya Metropolitan Municipality teams conducted an investigation by taking samples from the sea and jellyfish due to a jellyfish migration. The examination revealed that jellyfish had multiplied in the Egypt and Lebanon regions and crossed into the Antalya Gulf. Experts indicated that the migration would be completed in a short period. Professor Dr. Mehmet Gökoğlu from the Mediterranean University Fisheries Faculty stated that the jellyfish migration had been completed and the jellyfish remaining at the bottom of the sea had died.

Gökoğlu stated, “Both our citizens and tourists can enter the sea with peace of mind.” The reason for the long duration of the migration was reported to be the fact that living organisms are experiencing earlier and longer migration periods due to global warming. Professor Dr. Gökoğlu mentioned that it is impossible to intervene in the jellyfish migration and that tourism professionals frequently contact him to ask what they should do. It was also mentioned that the same migration will occur next year and that this is a natural process.

The arrival of jellyfish in the Antalya Gulf was caused by a migration from the Egypt and Lebanon regions, according to the investigation conducted by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality teams. Professor Dr. Mehmet Gökoğlu from the Mediterranean University Fisheries Faculty explained that the migration of jellyfish had been completed and the jellyfish that remained at the bottom of the sea had died. This prompted Gökoğlu to reassure both citizens and tourists that it is safe to swim in the sea.

The prolonged duration of the jellyfish migration was attributed to the effects of global warming, which has led to longer and earlier migration periods for various marine species. Despite the concerns raised by tourism professionals regarding the jellyfish migration, Professor Dr. Gökoğlu emphasized that it is not possible to intervene in this natural process. He also confirmed that a similar migration is expected to occur next year. Overall, experts believe that jellyfish migrations are a natural phenomenon that is part of the ecological cycle in the region.

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