In a recent interview, Michael Phelps opens up about his struggles with depression and how he learned to embrace vulnerability. The 23-time Olympic gold medal swimmer admits that he initially saw his depression as a sign of weakness and was afraid of sharing it, fearing it would give his competitors an edge. However, he eventually came to realize that vulnerability can lead to positive change and growth. Phelps, who considered suicide during a severe depression spell in 2014, emphasizes the importance of confronting emotions rather than suppressing them.

Phelps credits his family, particularly his wife Nicole, for providing crucial support during his darkest moments. He acknowledges the pivotal role that Nicole played in helping him through his mental health struggles over the years. The couple, who are parents to four children, have been open with their kids about Phelps’s mental health challenges. He acknowledges that there are times when he needs to step away from overwhelming situations to take care of his emotions but is committed to being present and active in his family’s life.

The Olympic swimmer’s journey with depression has taught him the importance of seeking therapy and being open about his struggles. Phelps reflects on how he spent years suppressing negative emotions, which eventually led him to a point where he didn’t want to live. He acknowledges that allowing himself to be vulnerable and seeking help ultimately saved his life. Phelps urges other men dealing with depression to give therapy a chance and not be afraid to open up about their emotions.

Phelps’s candid discussions about his mental health struggles shed light on the challenges that even the most successful individuals face. Despite his athletic accomplishments, Phelps still grappled with feelings of inadequacy and despair. Through his honesty and vulnerability, he hopes to inspire others to seek help and not feel ashamed about their mental health challenges. Phelps emphasizes the importance of breaking the cycle of suppressing emotions and instead encourages open communication about struggles and emotions.

Reflecting on his past struggles, Phelps recognizes the value of self-care and addressing mental health issues head-on. He appreciates the support of his family and acknowledges that their understanding and compassion have been instrumental in his recovery. Phelps hopes to create a generational shift in how emotions and struggles are handled within families, advocating for open and honest conversations rather than bottling up emotions. By sharing his story, Phelps aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage others to seek help when needed.

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