Michael J. Fox recently praised Taylor Swift, predicting her significant influence over the next 50 years. In an interview for PEOPLE Magazine’s 50th anniversary issue, the 62-year-old actor expressed admiration for the pop icon, stating that he believes she will be a crucial figure in shaping economies and changing the world. He commended Swift for her outspokenness on various issues, particularly her efforts in promoting voter registration and endorsing Democratic candidates since 2018.

Fox shared that his views on Taylor Swift have evolved over time, initially being indifferent towards her but now recognizing the substantial impact she has. Influenced by his family’s admiration for the singer, especially his wife and four children, Fox has come to appreciate the influence Swift wields on her audience and beyond. He also praised actor Ryan Reynolds in the interview, describing him as smart, talented, and philanthropic, potentially making significant contributions to society.

Reflecting on his journey with Parkinson’s disease, which he was diagnosed with in 1991, Fox discussed his advocacy work and the desire to find a cure. Drawing parallels between his own struggles and the potential he sees in both Taylor Swift and Ryan Reynolds, he emphasized the importance of community efforts in finding a cure for the disease. Despite his personal struggles, Fox maintains a realistic outlook and focuses on finding solutions and creating groundbreaking treatment centers.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Fox spoke about how he is currently coping with his Parkinson’s diagnosis after 35 years, stating that it has become a part of his life and he doesn’t dwell on it. Instead, he focuses on brainstorming with the community to find a cure or create innovative treatment centers. Fox’s positive outlook on life and determination to find solutions align with his admiration for Taylor Swift and Ryan Reynolds, whom he sees as figures capable of making a significant impact on society.

As the founder of the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Fox is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease and improving the lives of those affected by it. His advocacy work reflects his belief in the power of community efforts to bring about positive change. Through his public statements and interviews, Fox continues to inspire others to take action and support causes that are important to him, drawing parallels between his own journey and the potential he sees in influential figures like Taylor Swift and Ryan Reynolds who are also committed to making a difference in the world.

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