Mexican authorities reported that two Australians and an American were killed on a surfing trip in Baja California after thieves wanted the tires from their truck. The three men, who were later found dead in a remote well, were brothers Jake and Callum Robinson from Australia and American Jack Carter Rhoad. The bodies were discovered decomposing, but were believed to still be identifiable by sight. Authorities theorized that the thieves saw the foreigners’ pickup truck and tents and wanted to steal their tires. When the tourists caught them, they resisted, leading to their deaths.

The killers then allegedly dumped the bodies into a remote well, covered it with boards, and it took two hours to winch the bodies out of the well. Authorities noted that it was almost impossible to find the well due to its secluded location. The bodies were found near the township of Santo Tomás, where the missing men’s tents and truck were initially discovered. Many mourners, surfers, and demonstrators gathered in Ensenada to voice their anger and sadness over the deaths, with signs and messages expressing solidarity and demanding safe beaches. Baja California prosecutors were questioning three people in connection with the case, with two of them caught with methamphetamines and the third arrested on charges equivalent to kidnapping.

The third suspect, known as Jesús Gerardo or “el Kekas,” was believed to have directly participated in the killings and had a criminal record. Authorities were investigating the possibility that more people may have been involved in the crime. The bodies were found decomposing in the well, along with a fourth cadaver that had been there for a longer period of time. The families of the victims were viewing the bodies to determine their identities, with authorities noting that genetic testing might be necessary if identification by sight is not conclusive. The thieves, who allegedly dumped the bodies into the well, were attempting to cover up their crime by concealing the burial site.

The surfers’ deaths sparked outrage and sadness in the local community, with residents and supporters demanding justice and safe beaches for visitors. There were calls for increased security measures to prevent such tragedies from happening again in the future. Authorities were continuing their investigation into the case, questioning suspects and following up on leads. The motive for the killings was believed to be related to theft, with the thieves targeting the tourists’ truck for its tires. The discovery of the bodies in a remote well shed light on the tragic events that led to the deaths of the three surfers during their camping trip along the coast of Baja California.

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