Giorgia Meloni gave a speech in Pescara at the programmatic conference of Fratelli d’Italia. As the President of the Council, she is also the president of Fdi and Ecr (the European conservatives), and she is delivering the closing speech of the event organized in preparation for the European elections on the 8th and 9th of June. She thanked the leaders of the center-right for choosing to attend the conference, jokingly mentioning Matteo Salvini who participated via video call while walking with his daughter due to a prior commitment with his family.

Meloni emphasized that the results achieved by FdI are not to be taken for granted, and they must continue to work hard to maintain their success. She mentioned the upcoming challenge of the European elections, recalling the disappointment of missing the 4% quorum in 2014. Despite this setback, they did not lose determination, and after 5 years of hard work, they have become the first party in Italy. Meloni also addressed the Communist Party’s attempt to disrupt their event by filing a complaint with the court in Pescara, highlighting that FdI acts lawfully, obtains proper permits for their events, and respects the rights of others.

Focusing on the upcoming European elections, Meloni expressed her desire for Italy to play a central role in changing what doesn’t work in Europe. She stressed the importance of Italy’s ability to influence change within the EU, especially regarding immigration policies. Meloni also highlighted her party’s forward-thinking approach, stating that they are more concerned with shaping the future world in 80 years rather than dwelling on the past 80 years. This vision aligns with their goal of creating a better future for Italy and Europe as a whole.

During her speech, Meloni acknowledged the challenge of balancing political responsibilities with family commitments, referencing Matteo Salvini’s situation as a father who had to prioritize his daughter’s health over attending the event in person. Despite the difficulties, she emphasized the unwavering dedication of FdI to serving the Italian people and not betraying those who have put their trust in the party. Meloni’s speech also highlighted the party’s commitment to transparency and respect for the rule of law, even in the face of political opposition and attempts to disrupt their activities.

As the conference concluded, Meloni energized the audience by affirming that FdI is ready to face the upcoming electoral challenge with determination and a clear vision for Italy’s future in Europe. She expressed confidence that their party’s commitment to positive change and ethical governance will resonate with voters and ultimately lead to a stronger, more prosperous Italy. Through her speech, Meloni conveyed the values and goals of Fratelli d’Italia, positioning the party as a leading force for reform and progress in Italian and European politics.

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