Meghan McCain, a former co-host on “The View,” has made it clear that she has no intention of returning to the daytime talk show. She stated that there is no chance producers would ask her to come back, and she wouldn’t do so even if they did. McCain cited her current life as a mother of two as a reason for wanting to focus on more serious matters. She feels that approaching 40 has shifted people’s views of her from being a “spoiled baby.”

Having joined “The View” as a co-host in 2017, McCain later left the show in 2021, expressing her desire to make Washington, D.C. her family’s permanent home. While she no longer speaks to her former co-hosts from the show, she maintains friendships with some behind-the-scenes individuals. McCain is cautious about publicly revealing these friendships as she does not want them to face backlash or bullying for associating with her. Despite the strained relationships from her time on “The View,” McCain has formed close bonds with hosts who were on the show during different seasons.

As she promotes her new podcast, “Citizen McCain,” Meghan McCain mentioned that some former co-hosts who were not part of her time on “The View” will be making appearances. She disclosed that Rosie O’Donnell will be a guest on her podcast soon and expressed admiration for Jenny McCarthy and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. McCain feels a sense of camaraderie among former co-hosts on the show, describing their shared experiences as a member of a particular and unique TV history. She jokes about not wanting her podcast to be canceled now that she has revealed some of her upcoming guests.

In addition to her podcast, McCain discussed her current life with her two young daughters and husband Ben Domenech. She emphasized that her family life and personal growth have been significant factors in her decision to move away from the world of daytime talk shows. McCain acknowledges the complexities of her time on “The View” and the challenges she faced with her former co-hosts. Despite any lingering tensions, she remains focused on her new podcast and the relationships she has formed with individuals who were not part of her time on the show.

Overall, Meghan McCain’s decision to not return to “The View” is rooted in her current priorities as a mother and her desire to be taken more seriously in her professional endeavors. She values the relationships she has maintained with some former co-workers from the show and is excited about the upcoming guests on her podcast. McCain’s candid reflections on her time on “The View” shed light on the complexities of working in the world of daytime talk shows and the impact it can have on personal relationships and professional development.

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