A time capsule dating back to the early 1900s was discovered in the ceiling of a home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, by Jesse Leitch, a land surveyor and data processor. The capsule contained a variety of items, including a business card for a music shop from 1907, a newspaper from November 1913, and a handwritten note between two teenagers named Gertrude and Ruth. The note led Leitch to believe he had found the gravestone of Helen Stuart, who died in 1996. Other items in the capsule included a small cast iron pan, believed to belong to a doll set, and a piece of a music box.

Leitch felt a new connection to the past after discovering these treasures and has been inspired to create his own time capsule to preserve his own music and items for future generations. He plans to display some of the items he found in his home and may reach out to the Grand Rapids Public Museum to see if they are interested in taking any of the 100-year-old items. This discovery has sparked an interest in the history of his town and the previous owners of his home, prompting him to delve deeper into its past.

The time capsule was found in a kitchen ceiling in a home that was built in 1910. Leitch found a portal to the past filled with historical artifacts that shed light on life in the early 1900s. He plans to take one of the items from the capsule, along with photos of the other items, and bury them somewhere else or put them back up in the wall when the ceiling is patched up. In doing so, he hopes to preserve his own music for future generations just as the items in the time capsule have been preserved for over a century.

One of the most personal items in the time capsule was the handwritten note between Gertrude and Ruth, which offered a glimpse into the lives of two teenagers from the early 1900s. The note referenced a possible grave in the town, leading to the discovery of Helen Stuart’s gravestone, further connecting Leitch to the past and the history of his town. The discovery of the time capsule has given Leitch a newfound appreciation for the past and a desire to learn more about the history of his town and his home.

Leitch’s discovery has allowed him to make a connection to the past and inspired him to consider preserving his own music and items for future generations. He plans to create his own time capsule and display some of the discovered items in his home. By reaching out to the local museum, he hopes to share the historical significance of the items found in the capsule with a wider audience. This discovery has sparked an interest in uncovering more about the history of his town and the people who once lived in his home, allowing him to feel a deeper sense of connection to the past.

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