In the historic city of Djenné, Mali, the Grand Mosque, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is under threat due to conflict between jihadi rebels, government forces, and other groups. Kola Bah, a former tour guide, used to earn a living from the influx of tourists to the city but now struggles to support his family. The crisis has led to a significant drop in tourism, impacting the livelihoods of many residents in Djenné.

Despite the challenges, the community in Djenné continues to come together every year to replaster the Grand Mosque in a traditional ritual that unites people of all ages. Women carry water from the nearby river to mix with clay and rice hulls, while men are responsible for adding the new layer of mud. This annual ritual is a source of pride for the city, symbolizing resilience in the face of adversity.

Mali’s conflict began in 2012 following a coup that created a power vacuum, allowing jihadi groups to seize control of key northern cities. Despite efforts by French-led military operations to push out the militants, the violence has persisted. The drop in tourism has had a significant impact on Mali’s economy, leaving many people without means of making a living.

The political instability in Mali has only worsened the situation, with two coups occurring since 2020. The ruling junta, led by Col. Assimi Goita, expelled French forces and turned to Russian mercenary units for security assistance. The government’s struggle against armed groups has also been compounded by the deteriorating economic situation in the country.

In addition to security challenges, Djenné also faces threats to its cultural heritage, including illegal excavations and improper trash disposal. The city’s cultural mission is working to preserve its heritage and promote the importance of cultural preservation to the younger generation. Despite the difficulties, there is hope that with collective effort and support, Djenné can overcome the challenges it currently faces and preserve its rich history for future generations.

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