The report “Make America Fake Again” by Julien Pain and Alexandre Gras explores the world of conspiracy theories in Florida, a stronghold of Trump supporters. The people interviewed believe in conspiracy theories such as Joe Biden stealing the 2020 presidential election, denial of climate change, and elites wanting to enslave the world. They also believe in absurd theories like underground pedocriminal tunnels beneath the White House. The report sheds light on the fervent supporters of Trump, who are obsessed with guns, the Bible, and the Constitution, and see him as a defender against imaginary threats.

The report showcases the faces behind these conspiracy theories, individuals filled with certainty and hope, who can recite absurdities of Trumpist conspiracy mythology without hesitation. While these theories have been circulating among Trump supporters for years, the report focuses on the people who propagate them, giving an insight into their beliefs and motivations. It raises the question of how a president known for his blatant lies can still be taken seriously by a significant portion of the population. The answer lies in what Trump represents to his supporters – a populist figure who addresses their concerns such as defending white heritage, gun rights, and economic well-being.

Julien Pain’s immersion into the MAGA territory highlights the impact of Trump’s disinformation strategy on politics in the United States. Despite being in power for eight years and the initial shock wearing off, the deep-rooted influence of Trump’s ideology is still evident. The report serves as a stark reminder that fact-checking alone may not be enough to combat the wave of misinformation fueled by populism. It serves as a warning ahead of the upcoming American elections, emphasizing the need to address the spread of conspiracy theories and their implications on democracy.

Overall, “Make America Fake Again” delves into the disturbing world of conspiracy theories and their proliferation among Trump supporters in Florida. It offers a glimpse into the mindset of those who believe in these theories, showcasing their unwavering support for Trump and the fervor with which they defend their beliefs. The report serves as a reflection on the impact of disinformation on politics and democracy, highlighting the challenges faced by journalists in combating misinformation in an era of populism. It underscores the need for critical thinking and fact-checking in the face of increasingly prevalent conspiracy theories.

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