In episode eleven of Survivor season 46, the players take the old adage of “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” literally. After a blindside orchestrated by Charlie and Maria, Q becomes a target, while Charlie and Maria establish themselves as power players. Kenzie feels hurt after being left out of the vote and forms a bond with Venus to potentially take out Maria.

With an Immunity Idol potentially hidden, players frantically search for it, with Venus ultimately finding it. Kenzie and Venus, once unlikely allies, plot against Maria, who has become a strong player in the game. However, Maria wins the Immunity Challenge, earning safety from the brewing plot against her.

Maria’s decision to bring Q to a pizza party creates tension within the tribe, as Charlie and others are frustrated with her choice. While Maria, Ben, and Q target Venus for elimination, Charlie contemplates pivoting to blindside Maria or sticking with the plan to take out Q.

At Tribal Council, tensions rise as Venus confronts Maria about the pizza party decision. Despite suspicions of being targeted, Q manages to survive once again, while Venus is sent home with an Immunity Idol in her pocket. Charlie’s strategic gameplay remains strong, but the question remains on whether he will need to blindside Maria before she becomes too powerful.

As the game progresses, alliances shift, and players make strategic moves to ensure their survival. With Charlie emerging as a strong contender for Sole Survivor, the dynamics within the tribe continue to evolve. The season promises more twists and turns as the remaining players navigate the complexities of the game. Tune in to see how the competition unfolds on Survivor every Wednesday on CBS or Paramount+.

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