This year, as the Jewish holiday of Passover approaches, activist and actress Noa Tishby emphasizes the historical significance of the holiday as a celebration of Jewish national liberation. With dozens of hostages still in captivity in Gaza, the observance of Passover takes on a more poignant meaning in 2024. Tishby, a former Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism in Israel, highlights the story of the Jewish people’s liberation from oppression in Egypt as recounted in the Book of Exodus, where Moses led them to the Promised Land of Israel. The tradition of the Passover Seder serves as a reminder of the suffering and redemption experienced by the Jewish people thousands of years ago.

In today’s world, the celebration of Passover is overshadowed by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, particularly the plight of Jewish hostages in Gaza. Tishby urges a difficult but necessary conversation about the situation, drawing parallels to Moses’ reluctance to confront Pharaoh in the Exodus story. The modern-day Jewish community faces the challenge of advocating for the release of the hostages, who are reported to be subjected to daily abuse and violence. Tishby emphasizes the importance of raising awareness and taking action to support those in captivity, echoing Moses’ call to demand freedom for the oppressed.

As Passover approaches, Tishby encourages individuals to take inspiration from the Exodus narrative and speak out against injustice. Just as Moses confronted Pharaoh to demand freedom for the Jewish people, she urges people to appeal to their elected officials to pressure Hamas to release the hostages in Gaza. The current reality of Jewish captivity and suffering adds a bitter tone to the celebration of freedom during the holiday, prompting reflection on the continued struggles faced by the Jewish community around the world. Tishby emphasizes the need for solidarity and advocacy in addressing the ongoing challenges and injustices impacting the Jewish people.

The story of Passover and the Exodus from Egypt serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength of the Jewish community in the face of adversity. Tishby’s call to action highlights the importance of standing up against oppression and advocating for those who are vulnerable and marginalized. The retelling of the Exodus during the Passover Seder becomes a powerful symbol of liberation and freedom, carrying echoes of past struggles for justice and equality. As the Jewish community faces current challenges and conflicts, Tishby’s message resonates with a call to compassion, activism, and solidarity in the pursuit of justice and freedom for all.

In the midst of celebrating Passover and reflecting on the story of liberation, Tishby’s message underscores the ongoing struggles faced by the Jewish community both historically and in the present day. The festival of Passover, traditionally a time of joy and remembrance, takes on a somber tone as the reality of contemporary conflicts and injustices looms large. Tishby’s advocacy for the hostages in Gaza and her call to action for individuals to raise awareness and demand accountability reflect a commitment to justice and human rights that is deeply rooted in the values of the Passover holiday.

As Passover approaches, Tishby’s words serve as a reminder of the enduring legacy of the Jewish people and the ongoing fight for freedom and justice. The story of the Exodus resonates with contemporary struggles for liberation and dignity, urging individuals to stand up against oppression and injustice in all its forms. Tishby’s call to action challenges us to engage in difficult conversations, advocate for the marginalized, and work towards a more just and equitable world. In the spirit of Passover, may we remember the past, confront the present, and strive for a future where all people are free and treated with dignity and respect.

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