The CDU has reportedly changed a controversial statement regarding Islam in its draft fundamental program. The original draft stated, “Muslims who share our values belong to Germany.” However, after a heated debate about German cultural identity, the commission has agreed to soften the statement. The amendment now reads, “An Islam that does not share our values and rejects our liberal society does not belong to Germany.” The commitment to the core culture, including the respect for human dignity, fundamental and human rights, the rule of law, respect, tolerance, and recognition of Israel’s right to exist, will remain in the program.

The revision comes after criticism from various quarters, including SPD leader Lars Klingbeil, who accused the CDU of rhetorically excluding an entire population group. Aiman Mazyek, the head of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, also criticized the CDU for trying to appeal to right-wing voters by adopting similar language to the AfD. In response to this backlash, the Antragskommission decided to amend the statement during a meeting over the weekend. The new wording reflects a more nuanced approach that calls for integration based on shared values, rather than blanket inclusion.

Nordrhein-Westfalens Minister for Labor and Health, Karl-Josef Laumann, emphasized the importance of social cohesion and cultural integration. He stated that Germany needs to uphold social policies and values to maintain cohesive society. Laumann highlighted the significance of adhering to the country’s core values in order to integrate and become a German citizen. While acknowledging the important contribution of Muslims to German society, he stressed the need to reject any form of political Islam that contradicts the principles of the country’s constitution.

The debate over Germany’s cultural identity and the role of Islam in society has been ongoing for some time. The CDU’s decision to revise its statement on Islam reflects a broader discussion about the balance between integration and cultural diversity. The new wording emphasizes the importance of shared values in promoting social cohesion and national identity. As Germany grapples with demographic changes and increasing diversity, the CDU’s stance on Islam and cultural integration will continue to be a topic of debate and scrutiny.

The CDU’s attempt to strike a balance between acknowledging the contributions of Muslims to society while also emphasizing the importance of shared values and cultural integration is reflective of the complexities surrounding cultural identity in Germany. The party’s decision to amend their statement on Islam is a response to criticism and signals a willingness to engage in dialogue and adapt to changing societal dynamics. Moving forward, the CDU’s commitment to upholding core values and promoting integration will be closely monitored and scrutinized within the context of broader discussions about cultural diversity and identity in Germany.

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