Laura Anderson, the former Love Island star, has recently spoken about her life as a new mum to her daughter Bonnie. Now seven months old, Bonnie is the center of Laura’s world. Despite juggling work commitments and the challenges of parenting, Laura is smitten with Bonnie and has finally gotten the hang of this “parenting thing.” Laura shared that being a mum to Bonnie has proven to be both rewarding and challenging, but she feels invincible when she gets everything sorted.

Laura recently landed an exciting radio gig as a co-host on Capital Breakfast Scotland. This opportunity has allowed her to pursue her dream of being on the radio and connect with listeners. She enjoys the early mornings and finds fulfillment in making people start their day on a positive note. Despite the demands of her new role, Laura’s priority remains Bonnie, and she sees her job as a means to provide for her daughter. Laura admits to experiencing mum guilt, a common feeling among parents, but she strives to strike a balance between work and motherhood.

Balancing her work and childcare responsibilities can be tough for Laura, but she has found ways to stay organized and efficient. She wakes up early to host her radio show and spends her afternoons taking care of Bonnie. Laura emphasizes that her life revolves around Bonnie, and she does everything she can to ensure that Bonnie is well taken care of. Having a good support system with her parents helps Laura manage her daily routine and responsibilities effectively.

Laura opens up about the challenges of parenting, especially as Bonnie hits new milestones like weaning and becoming more mobile. Laura is amazed at how fast Bonnie is growing, from almost crawling to possibly saying her first words soon. Despite the difficulties, Laura finds joy in witnessing Bonnie’s development and playful personality. She acknowledges that motherhood comes with its challenges, but she cherishes the special moments with Bonnie and embraces the changes that come with each milestone.

Laura’s new role at Capital Scotland has been a dream come true for her, allowing her to pursue her passion for radio and connect with listeners through engaging conversations and fun games. While she still has a lot to learn, Laura is excited about this new chapter in her career. She admits to being nervous about accidentally swearing live on air but finds comfort in her co-host’s support. Laura’s focus remains on creating a positive start to the day for her listeners and enjoying the opportunity to connect with people through radio.

Overall, Laura Anderson’s life as a new mum to Bonnie has been filled with both challenges and rewards. Juggling her work commitments with the demands of parenting can be tough, but Laura stays organized and focused on providing for her daughter. With Bonnie reaching new milestones and growing rapidly, Laura finds joy in witnessing her daughter’s development. Her new role on Capital Scotland has added excitement to her career and allows her to connect with listeners in a meaningful way. Despite the struggles and mum guilt that come with motherhood, Laura remains dedicated to balancing her roles as a mum and a radio host, finding fulfillment in both aspects of her life.

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