Latvia’s Foreign Minister, Krisjanis Karins, announced that he would be resigning from his position following a criminal probe into the use of expensive private flights by his office during his time as the country’s prime minister from 2019-2023. The Prosecutor General’s office launched criminal proceedings last week over the alleged misuse of public funds through the use of private aviation services. There has been public criticism around whether all flights, including chartered private jets, were necessary for official duties, and whether the use of more expensive flights was justified.

Karins, who had expressed interest in becoming the next secretary-general of NATO, did not offer any additional comments to the media regarding his resignation. He is not currently facing charges as part of the probe, which has caused public outrage in Latvia, a European Union and NATO member state. Prime Minister Evika Silina praised Karins’ decision to resign, despite not being personally accused of any wrongdoing, calling him a “decent Western politician” for stepping down.

Silina, who took over as Latvia’s Prime Minister in September, has not yet decided on a candidate to replace Karins as the country’s top diplomat. The resignation will allow lawmakers to vote for his successor on April 11. The scandal has raised questions about the necessity of private flights for government officials and has sparked a debate over the appropriate use of public funds. The investigation into the use of private flights by Karins and his staff has brought attention to transparency and accountability issues within Latvia’s government.

The scandal surrounding the use of private flights by Karins and his office has stirred controversy in Latvia, with concerns being raised about the justification for the use of charter flights over scheduled flights. The case has also highlighted the need for stricter oversight and accountability measures within the government. Karins’ resignation comes amid growing public dismay over the misuse of public funds and the lack of transparency in government operations.

Despite not being personally accused of any wrongdoing, Karins decided to step down from his position as Foreign Minister, signaling a commitment to accountability and ethical governance. The investigation into the use of private flights will continue, but Karins’ resignation has been seen as a step towards restoring public trust in Latvia’s government. The search for a new top diplomat will be an important step in moving forward from the scandal and implementing reforms to prevent similar issues from arising in the future.

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