Weather forecasters are predicting a mix of warmth and thunderstorms in the UK in the coming days, with temperatures reaching 23C. The first storms are expected to hit the region on Saturday afternoon, particularly affecting Southwest England, Devon, Mid Wales, and other areas. These thunderstorms are attributed to a convergence of air from the north and westerly flow along the Bristol Channel, creating lift and precipitation. Showers are expected to linger into Saturday night, mainly impacting Devon, before clearing up later on Sunday. Despite this, temperatures are expected to rise by Wednesday, reaching 23C in various regions.

The severe thunderstorms and rainy weather are anticipated to give way to more pleasant conditions by the middle of the week, with sunshine returning across the country. Forecasters at InMeteo have provided weather maps indicating the increase in temperatures by Wednesday, with some areas in North Yorkshire and Surrey reaching 23C. Eastern regions are expected to see the warmest temperatures on Wednesday, in contrast to last week when the western parts enjoyed more sunshine. Following a foggy morning in many areas, rain is expected to move in from the east, bringing unsettled conditions. The heaviest downpours are likely to affect parts of Surrey and Berkshire.

Football fans are being informed of a deal on a 55-inch LG TV ahead of the Euros. The weather maps highlight the potential for storms to rattle parts of the UK over the weekend. The first batch of storms is expected to hit on Saturday afternoon, with Southwest England and other regions likely to experience severe thunderstorms. The storms are attributed to a convergence of air flows creating lift and leading to heavy showers. While temperatures may drop on Sunday, a rise is expected by Wednesday, with the warmest areas being in Eastern regions.

The unsettled weather over the weekend, including thunderstorms and showers, is predicted to gradually make way for sunshine and warmer temperatures by the middle of the week. InMeteo’s weather maps depict the upward trend in temperatures, with some areas reaching 23C by Wednesday. The return of pleasant weather is expected to be a relief after the stormy conditions over the weekend. Despite the varying weather patterns, forecasters are optimistic that sunshine will dominate as the week progresses. Residents are advised to be prepared for the changing weather conditions and to stay updated on the latest forecasts.

The transition from stormy weather to more sunshine is expected to happen quickly, with forecasters anticipating a return to pleasant conditions within a week. The rise in temperatures by Wednesday, reaching 23C in certain areas, is a positive sign of the weather patterns shifting. While the weekend may bring thunderstorms and heavy showers, the outlook for the upcoming week is more promising. Meteorologists are keeping a close eye on the changing weather patterns and are providing regular updates to ensure that residents are well-informed. Overall, the forecast indicates a mix of weather conditions, but with a gradual improvement towards more stable and sunny weather.

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