Good morning. We begin the live coverage of the political news for this Saturday, May 4th, a day marked by the events of the Catalan electoral campaign, which has already passed its halfway point, eight days before the regional elections on May 12th. The national leaders of the parties are heading to Catalonia to support their candidates for the presidency of the Generalitat. The socialist Pedro Sánchez will share an event with Salvador Illa in Montmeló (Barcelona) on Saturday; the popular Alberto Núñez Feijóo will be with Alberto Fernández in Badalona (Barcelona); and Santiago Abascal of Vox will participate in an event in Salt (Gerona) with Ignacio Garriga.

The Catalan electoral campaign is heating up as the various candidates receive support from their party leaders. Salvador Illa, the socialist candidate, is joined by Pedro Sánchez in Montmeló, while the popular candidate, Alberto Fernández, receives support from Alberto Núñez Feijóo in Badalona. Santiago Abascal of Vox is also lending his support to Ignacio Garriga in Salt. The stakes are high in these elections, and the leaders are making their presence felt in the final days of the campaign, hoping to sway undecided voters and solidify support among their base.

The upcoming regional elections in Catalonia are crucial for the future of the region, as the outcome will determine the direction of its governance and policies in the coming years. The leaders of the different parties are making a final push to rally support for their candidates and make a strong showing on election day. The participation of national party leaders in the campaign events underscores the importance of these elections for the political landscape of Catalonia and the broader implications for the rest of Spain.

The presence of Pedro Sánchez, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and Santiago Abascal in Catalonia highlights the significance of the regional elections for the national parties. These leaders are showing their support for their respective candidates and making their case to voters in Catalonia. The campaign events are an opportunity for the parties to present their platforms, engage with voters, and address key issues facing the region. The candidates are making their final pitches to voters in the lead-up to election day, seeking to mobilize support and secure a victory.

As the campaign enters its final days, the focus shifts to mobilizing voters and ensuring a strong turnout on election day. The candidates are making their closing arguments, highlighting their proposals and vision for Catalonia’s future. The national party leaders are playing a crucial role in supporting their candidates and energizing their base. The outcome of the regional elections will have far-reaching implications for Catalonia and will shape its political landscape in the years to come. Stay tuned for more updates on the campaign events and developments leading up to the elections on May 12th.

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