Kristin Cavallari and her boyfriend, Mark Estes, were spotted looking cozy together at the Stagecoach Festival. Cavallari, 37, shared a photo on her Instagram Story of the couple at the festival in Indio, California. In the picture, she is seen wearing an oversized button-up shirt with denim bottoms and cowboy boots, while Estes, 24, is dressed in jeans, a baseball jersey, and a black baseball hat. The couple’s relationship was confirmed to be serious by Estes in an exclusive interview with Us Weekly.

The couple made their relationship public on Instagram in February, with Cavallari captioning a post with “He makes me happy.” Despite receiving backlash for their 13-year age gap, Estes remains unfazed by the comments. He is part of the TikTok group Montana Boyz and is joined by Kaleb Campbell Winterburn and Kade Wilcox. Although they acknowledged the negativity surrounding their relationship, they emphasized that Estes is mature and that they both know what they want in the relationship.

Cavallari discussed her relationship with Estes on her podcast, “Let’s Be Honest,” where she addressed the age difference between them. She admitted that initially, the age gap was a concern for her, but she now believes that age is just a number. She emphasized that maturity is not solely determined by age but by one’s life experiences and upbringing. Despite any judgment they may face from the outside world, Cavallari stated that she is fully committed to the relationship and does not care about others’ opinions.

Cavallari’s openness about her relationship with Estes has sparked discussion about age differences in relationships and the importance of maturity over age. The couple’s public appearances together at events like Stagecoach Festival show that their relationship is strong and they are not letting criticism affect them. As they continue to navigate their relationship, Cavallari and Estes are focused on their connection and mutual happiness, regardless of any comments from critics or society.

In the world of social media, where age differences in relationships are often scrutinized, Cavallari and Estes serve as an example of a couple who is secure in their connection despite the opinions of others. Through their public appearances and candid discussions about their relationship, they have demonstrated that age should not be a barrier to finding love and happiness with someone who truly makes you happy. Their story serves as a reminder that love knows no age and that what matters most is the strength of the bond between two people.

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