Thousands of Spanish journalists showed their support for Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his wife, Begoña Gómez, after a court opened preliminary proceedings against her on corruption allegations. Sánchez is considering his future as premier and blamed the probe on attacks by right and far-right opponents in the media and political parties. A manifesto signed by journalists and writers criticized the attacks against Gómez as an attempt to subvert the popular will expressed at the polls through illicit means. They denounced a coordinated campaign of hoaxes, falsehoods, and harassment against leftist coalition members.

The legal complaint against Gómez was filed by a far-right legal platform named Manos Limpias, or “Clean Hands,” alleging that Gómez used her position to influence business deals. However, Spanish prosecutors recommended that the complaint be thrown out. The journalists’ manifesto called on civil society to join in mobilizing against what they described as an anti-democratic outrage. They emphasized that governments are chosen and changed through elections and parliament, rejecting any attempts at a judicial and media coup or a mud-slinging campaign.

The right-of-center opposition Popular Party criticized Sánchez’s reaction to the situation, calling it a tactic to win support in upcoming regional and European elections. Sánchez’s supporters planned a demonstration in Madrid in his support, highlighting the political divide and tensions surrounding the corruption allegations against his wife. The manifesto signed by journalists and writers aimed to defend the democratic process and reject any attempts to undermine it through false accusations and smear campaigns.

The ongoing controversy surrounding Gómez’s corruption allegations has highlighted the deep divisions within Spanish politics and society. Sánchez’s announcement of considering his future as prime minister reflects the pressure he faces from both political opponents and public opinion. The support shown by journalists and writers for Sánchez and his wife underscores the importance of upholding democratic principles and the rule of law in the face of external attacks and manipulation.

The role of the media and the judiciary in shaping public opinion and influencing political decisions has become a central issue in the debate surrounding the corruption allegations against Gómez. The allegations have raised questions about the integrity of the political system and the motives behind the legal actions taken against her. In the midst of these challenges, Sánchez’s leadership and the future of his government hang in the balance, with the outcome likely to have significant implications for the future of Spanish politics and governance.

As Sánchez prepares to make his announcement regarding his future as prime minister, the support of journalists and civil society will play a crucial role in shaping the narrative and determining the outcome of the ongoing controversy. The demonstration planned in Madrid in support of Sánchez is a clear indication of the strong backing he still enjoys from his supporters, despite the challenges and allegations he faces. The ultimate resolution of the corruption allegations against Gómez and the political fallout from the judicial proceedings will have a lasting impact on the Spanish political landscape and the future of Sánchez’s leadership.

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