John Leguizamo recently shared some of the roles he regrets turning down in his career in an interview with Business Insider. These roles include Stanley Tucci’s role as Nigel in “The Devil Wears Prada,” Robin Williams’ voice role in “Happy Feet,” and Vince Vaughn’s role in “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” Leguizamo mentioned that his decision to turn down the role in “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” was due to a salary concern, as he was offered to work for scale while Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie received $20 million paydays. He expressed feeling disrespected and acknowledged the complexities of such situations, especially for people of color in the industry.

Despite being aware of the reasons behind the salary difference in big-budget films like “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” Leguizamo admitted to feeling slighted in the moment. He also mentioned turning down the role in “Happy Feet” due to being tired of animated ice movies as he was already part of the successful “Ice Age” franchise. These decisions ultimately led him to miss out on potentially lucrative opportunities in his career. In a previous interview, Leguizamo revealed that he had negotiated to play the Vulture in “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” a role that was ultimately portrayed by Michael Keaton. Marvel had considered casting Leguizamo as Vulture but later decided to go with Keaton, offering Leguizamo a much smaller role instead.

Leguizamo shared that although he had negotiated with Marvel for the role of the Vulture, he eventually gave up the part when they decided to cast Keaton instead. The studio offered him a smaller consolation role, which he declined, feeling disrespected and undervalued. He mentioned that the head of the studio personally called him to ask him to give up the role, which further fueled his decision to walk away from the project. Despite this experience, Leguizamo expressed openness to returning to franchise films if offered a substantial role like The Riddler, but declined a smaller scientist role that was offered to him later.

Reflecting on his decisions, Leguizamo mentioned the importance of feeling respected and valued in the industry, especially as a person of color. He emphasized that instances of feeling disrespected can have lasting effects on one’s career choices and opportunities. Despite the setbacks he faced, Leguizamo’s candid revelations shed light on the challenges faced by actors in navigating the complex landscape of the entertainment industry. His experiences serve as a reminder of the importance of advocating for fair treatment and equitable opportunities in Hollywood.

In conclusion, John Leguizamo’s reflections on the roles he regrets turning down highlight the intricacies of decision-making in the entertainment industry. His candidness about feeling disrespected and undervalued in certain situations sheds light on the challenges faced by actors, especially people of color, in navigating the industry. Despite missed opportunities, Leguizamo’s openness to returning to franchise films under the right circumstances reflects a resilient attitude towards his career. His experiences serve as a valuable insight into the complexities of pursuing roles in Hollywood and the importance of advocating for fair treatment and respect in the industry.

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