Jessica Simpson, 43, recently shared new photos on Instagram in which she was showing off her chest in a low-cut black top and blazer. The Dukes Of Hazzard actress looked fit with a tiny waistline and was seen sporting long cherry red nails, gold jewelry, heavy pink lipstick, and oversized black sunglasses. In addition to her fashion endeavors, Jessica has been making new music in Nashville as she returns to her singing roots. The star has also been opening up about her weight loss journey, having shed 100lbs five years ago through intense workouts and a healthy meal plan.

The blonde bombshell is married to husband Eric Johnson, and the couple shares three children: daughters Maxwell Drew and Birdie Mae, and son Ace Knute. Jessica famously lost 100lbs after welcoming her three children, following a strict workout routine that included walking 14,000 steps per day. She paid tribute to her weight loss journey on social media, expressing pride in her achievements and determination to work hard to reach her goals. Jessica’s commitment to maintaining her weight loss has been commendable, with the help of celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak.

Despite her weight loss journey, Jessica has stated that she no longer weighs herself and instead focuses on how her clothes fit and how she feels. She emphasized the importance of feeling good and being comfortable in her own skin, rather than obsessing over the numbers on a scale. Jessica’s fluctuating weight has been a topic of discussion for years, prompting her to launch her own fashion line, The Jessica Simpson Collection, as a way to turn the conversation into a successful business venture. Despite facing scrutiny and challenges regarding her appearance, Jessica has embraced body positivity and learned to love herself.

In a recent interview, Jessica opened up about the struggles she faced in the past regarding her weight and appearance. The blonde beauty admitted to feeling hurt by the intense focus on her looks and weight when she was younger, and expressed gratitude for the body positivity movement that has gained momentum in recent years. Jessica acknowledged that she is still a work in progress when it comes to self-criticism, but has developed tools to quiet the negative voices in her head and embrace imperfections as beauty. She emphasized the importance of a healthy body and mind-body connection in finding true beauty and self-acceptance.

Despite the challenges she has faced, Jessica remains focused on her career and personal growth. She continues to work on her music in Nashville and expand her fashion empire with The Jessica Simpson Collection. Through her journey to self-acceptance and body positivity, Jessica has become an advocate for embracing imperfections and finding beauty in authenticity. Her openness about her struggles and triumphs serves as an inspiration to many, showing that true beauty comes from within and that self-love is the key to confidence and happiness.

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