Country star Jelly Roll recently completed his first 5K race, the 2 Bears 5K in Los Angeles, and shared that he had lost between 50 to 70 pounds while training for the event. He expressed that the accomplishment was emotional for him, especially since he couldn’t even walk a mile when he began preparing for the race in January. Despite finding the race harder than expected, Jelly Roll felt great after finishing and was particularly moved by watching other participants, including some who set personal records. His wife, Bunnie XO, defended him against online bullying regarding his weight and explained that he had taken a break from the internet due to negative comments.

Bunnie XO and Jelly Roll have both been vocal about standing up against cyberbullying, especially when it comes to comments about his weight. Bunnie XO called out a TikTok commenter who criticized their daughter and Jelly Roll for being “massively overweight,” emphasizing that such behavior is unacceptable and reflects poorly on the individuals making the comments. Jelly Roll himself addressed the issue during an interview, expressing that he felt incredible after taking a social media break and that he was surrounded by friends and family who supported him. He also shared his plans to continue his fitness journey by aiming to run a half-marathon next year.

Jelly Roll’s participation in the 2 Bears 5K was a significant milestone for him, considering his weight loss journey and the challenges he faced during training. He expressed gratitude for the support he received from friends and family, as well as the motivation he found in seeing others complete the race. The singer, whose real name is Jason DeFord, acknowledged that the 5K was tougher than he anticipated but remained upbeat and determined to continue pushing himself. His commitment to running a half-marathon in the future reflects his dedication to his fitness goals and determination to keep challenging himself physically and mentally.

The 2 Bears 5K race, hosted by comedians Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer as part of the Netflix Is A Joke comedy festival, provided Jelly Roll with a platform to showcase his progress and inspire others. His journey from struggling to walk a mile to completing a 3.1-mile race highlighted his resilience and commitment to his health and well-being. Despite facing online criticism and bullying, Jelly Roll remained focused on his goals and found a supportive community through the running event. His decision to take a break from social media to prioritize his mental health and well-being underscored the importance of self-care and setting boundaries in the face of negativity.

Jelly Roll’s wife, Bunnie XO, has been a vocal advocate for body positivity and self-acceptance, defending her husband and family against hurtful comments. Her refusal to tolerate cyberbullying and her efforts to promote a message of love and compassion reflect a larger movement towards inclusivity and respect for all body types. By sharing their experiences and pushing back against societal pressures to conform to certain standards of beauty, Jelly Roll and Bunnie XO are empowering others to embrace their unique qualities and celebrate their individuality. Their journey serves as a reminder that true strength comes from self-acceptance and the unwavering support of loved ones, even in the face of adversity.

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