The documentary series Hope On The Street follows BTS member j-hope as he explores the roots of his love for dance by honoring the dancers who inspired him. Premiering on Prime Video, the series takes viewers to the streets of Seoul, Gwangju, Osaka, New York City, and Paris as j-hope, accompanied by his former instructor Boogaloo Kin, showcases his charismatic dance moves and collaborates with local dancers. The series is a celebration of dance and the artists who have influenced j-hope’s own artistic journey.

The idea for Hope On The Street originated from j-hope’s desire to reconnect with street dance, his initial motivation for pursuing dance. Together with Boogaloo Kin, they reached out to the dancers that j-hope admired and collaborated with them on the series. The joy of dancing, laughing, and performing with his idols is evident in the series, showcasing the passion and energy that dance brings to j-hope and those around him.

Boogaloo Kin, j-hope’s former teacher, has witnessed his growth as a dancer and artist over the years. Despite the challenges of maintaining their connection as BTS gained global recognition, their bond through dance remained strong. Their collaboration on the docuseries was a natural extension of their shared passion for dance and companionship, highlighting the enduring impact of their relationship.

Boogaloo Kin’s career as a dancer began 25 years ago, influenced by his love for hip-hop music and popping dance style. While he humbly declines to be called one of j-hope’s “heroes,” he acknowledges the profound impact he had on j-hope’s early dance journey. The series captures their dynamic as teacher and student, showcasing the evolution of their relationship through the shared language of dance.

Filming dance sequences on the streets presented challenges, but also captured the raw authenticity of the dance experience. From freestyle sessions to impromptu performances in bustling cities, the series showcases j-hope’s infectious enthusiasm for dance. The simplicity of filming techniques and the focus on capturing the essence of dance are central to the series’s storytelling, allowing viewers to experience the joy and energy of dance alongside j-hope.

Produced by Hybe, the docuseries offers a glimpse into j-hope’s artistic roots and personal journey as a dancer and musician. Director Jun Soo Park highlights the series’s focus on exploring j-hope as a person, delving into his creative process and inspirations. Through authentic and intimate moments captured on screen, Hope On The Street celebrates the power of dance and its ability to connect artists across cultures and generations, creating a vibrant and dynamic dance community.

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