The author sees the differences between the PP and Vox diminishing. Feijóo is seen as shouting in the streets instead of engaging in dialogue in Parliament, reminiscent of Trump, Bolsonaro, and Orbán. This behavior is seen as undemocratic, characterized by spreading misinformation, lies, and insults rather than engaging in respectful debate and negotiation. The author criticizes the denial of the atrocities of the Franco regime, femicides, and growing class differences, arguing that true democracy is about discussing ideas and respecting differing opinions.

The author criticizes Óscar Puente for using his position as Minister of Transport to create unnecessary problems and increase tension by engaging in social media conflicts. The author argues that Puente should focus on solving issues within his ministry, such as infrastructure and transportation problems, instead of wasting time on social media disputes. The author urges Puente to focus on his responsibilities as a government official rather than engaging in unnecessary controversy.

The author expresses frustration with the current government’s focus on trivial matters, such as a letter from the president, while many citizens are struggling to make ends meet or access necessary services. The author argues that there are urgent issues that require immediate attention, such as healthcare and economic hardships, which cannot be put on hold for reflection. The author highlights the struggles of marginalized groups, such as migrants risking their lives to reach Spain, who do not have the luxury of time for reflection.

The author reflects on the challenge of navigating conflicting narratives in the media, noting how different sources present information based on their ideological biases. The author questions whether individuals are truly seeking the truth or simply consuming information that aligns with their beliefs. The author warns against the dangers of falling into ideological echo chambers, where only one perspective is embraced, and calls for a more critical approach to media consumption.

A young researcher with an impressive academic background expresses frustration with the precarious conditions faced by young researchers in Spain. Despite having multiple degrees and a prestigious postdoctoral contract, the author laments the lack of support and opportunities for young researchers. The author highlights the feelings of impotence and neglect experienced by many young academics, calling attention to the systemic issues contributing to the precarity of research positions.

The author concludes by outlining the guidelines for submitting texts to the publication, emphasizing the importance of brevity and providing contact information for potential contributors. The publication reserves the right to publish, summarize, or extract the texts, and does not provide information on the publication status of submissions. The author encourages readers to engage with the publication through written submissions, highlighting the importance of sharing diverse perspectives and experiences.

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