Special plans are in place to ensure that the winner of the Premier League title will be able to lift the trophy and receive medals, without the need for a helicopter. Manchester City and Arsenal are the two teams vying for the title, with City being the favorites. City can secure their fourth successive league crown with a win over West Ham, while Arsenal must beat Everton and hope for a favor from West Ham to have a chance. Trophies will be present at both the Etihad and the Emirates, with the actual trophy being engraved only after the trophy lift.

The runners-up will have to hand back their version of the trophy to the Premier League, while the winning team will keep their trophy. Each club has received forty medals for the players, and there are podiums and pyrotechnics ready at both stadiums. Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola is motivated by the opportunity to win four league titles in a row, acknowledging the significance of the achievement. Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta, who played under David Moyes at Everton, is hopeful that West Ham can help his team fulfill their dream of securing their first league title since the Invincibles season in 2003/04.

Despite the favorable odds for Manchester City, both Guardiola and Arteta are aware of the challenges in the final game. Guardiola emphasizes the importance of seizing the opportunity to make history, while Arteta reflects on the personal connections in football and the coincidence of needing Moyes’ team to provide a crucial win. The preparations for the trophy presentation and celebrations are in place at both clubs, with the focus on the dramatic conclusion of the season. The managers express their gratitude for the efforts of their players and the hope that everything falls into place for the title to be decided on the field.

The anticipation and excitement surrounding the Premier League title race are palpable, with fans eager to see if Manchester City can maintain their dominance or if Arsenal can pull off an upset. The meticulous planning for the trophy presentation demonstrates the importance of tradition and ceremony in football, as teams strive for glory and players seek recognition for their efforts. As the final game approaches, the tension builds, and the stakes are high, with both clubs aiming to end the season on a victorious note. The stage is set for a thrilling conclusion to the Premier League season, with history waiting to be made.

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