The Ministry of the Interior has activated a security operation in preparation for the upcoming European Parliament elections on June 9th. Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska has mobilized a coordination network comprising 95,201 police officers from various state, regional, and local law enforcement agencies to ensure safety from the pre-campaign period until the election day. This operation will see an increased police presence on the streets, as well as a focus on cybersecurity and combating disinformation campaigns on the internet and social media. Following EU recommendations, the Ministry of Interior is aiming to address new threats to communications and information systems, as well as the rise of cyberbullying and misinformation campaigns that seek to undermine trust in the electoral process.

An increase in disinformation campaigns during the 2023 elections prompted the government to develop specific plans to counter cyber incidents and misinformation designed to sway voters. The new security operation will commence on May 15th and continue until the vote counting concludes on the early hours of June 10th. Minister Grande-Marlaska emphasized the need to protect democracy from internal and external actors seeking to disrupt the freedoms upheld by society. The coordination network includes various government bodies and agencies, such as the Central Electoral Board, the National Security Department, and the National Statistics Institute, among others, in addition to law enforcement agencies and data protection authorities.

A total of 95,000 agents will participate in the security operation, with 28,034 belonging to the National Police and 47,585 to the Civil Guard. Regional police forces, such as the Mossos d’Esquadra, the Ertzaintza, and the Policía Foral, will also contribute to the deployment. Municipal police forces will provide an additional 13,222 officers to support the operation. The regions allocating the most police officers to the operation include Andalusia, Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia, and Castilla y Leon. The security operation will follow a three-phase structure, covering the pre-election period, the campaign period, and the critical voting day, with special attention to the potential terrorist threat.

The Ministry of the Interior aims to maintain a high level of security throughout the electoral process to ensure the smooth running of the elections and safeguard democracy from external influences seeking to disrupt the process. By coordinating efforts across various law enforcement agencies and government bodies, the government is prepared to respond to any potential threats or incidents that may arise during the electoral period. The system put in place for this operation builds on previous experiences and addresses the evolving challenges posed by internet-based threats and disinformation campaigns that target the electoral process.

As the election date approaches, the focus on security and ensuring the integrity of the electoral process becomes paramount. By mobilizing a significant number of police officers, reinforcing cybersecurity measures, and collaborating with relevant institutions, the Ministry of the Interior is taking proactive steps to safeguard the democratic principles that underpin the electoral system in Spain. The security operation underscores the government’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the democratic rights and processes that are essential to a free and fair society.

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